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Location: Midwest

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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

No Chance Blondie

Patrick wants to know why anyone would go to Lebanon for vacation. Lebanon is very picturesque where the vacation and tourist spots are. And the women there are gorgeous.

Patrick once said that Blondie was a pretty woman. I don't think so Patirck. This first picture is Blondie.
All the other pictures are of Lebanese, Arabic women. Lebanese women are gorgeous. Middle Eastern women are gorgeous. Women of color, i.e. Greek, Italian, Israeli, Middle Eastern, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Persian, Asian, are gorgeous.I don't find Blondie pretty at all. She needs to have work done on that snout she calls a nose.

If memory serves me correctly, Brightstar is part Lebanese.

Not all Arab woman are ugly Patrick. 90% of all Arabic, Muslim women I see, are very pretty. Get off your high horse. You might not like Arabs and Muslims, but you can't deny beauty when it slaps you in the face.


Blogger Gaby De la O / Comandante G / Daggerlady / said...

Lebanese women are of the most beautiful wordlwide!

6:32 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Thank you Daggerlady. This person Patrick that I am talking about is a hater of all women. This is his blog, http://patsnewblog4266.blogspot.com . But I have to warn you, he deletes comments that he doesn't like. If you want to make a comment that he will see, make your comment here.

7:14 PM  
Blogger J*A*C*K said...

Oh my goodness. I think I died and went to paradise.

8:39 PM  
Blogger J*A*C*K said...

Can I take Dalia Chdid home with me?

8:44 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Deception, anyone can make an attack on another person. It is how you choose to respond, if at all, that will determine the affect that attack will have on you. Personally, I have witnessed all the childish and deplorable behavior that has been prevelant on the blogs in last few months. With all due respect to you, it is my opinion that you allow the attacks on you to affect you, much more than they should.

As women, we should not allow the simplemindedness of men, such as Patrick, to cause us to lower ourselves to the levels of depravity that he so enjoys. I, being one of the women in the room, have refrained from volunteering any laughter, giggles or other kudos that would assist, in any way, to hold his ego at it's current state. I find his constant barage of overt and often times, covert insults, which he rains down upon women, most disturbing. That women find his acts and lured discriptions of women, female body parts, our monthy cycles, just to name a few, funny and entertaining, is quite a statement on the eroding values of women.

I have heard all the excuses from some of the women in the room, from 'he's just Patrick' and 'the things he says makes us laugh' and 'he doesn't mean anything by it' and 'he's only joking in his own way' and 'we don't take what he says seriously, it's only fun, it's only chat, da da da da da'. Those excuses, and the host of other excuses, are what have kept Patrick degrading women and getting away with it, since his first days in chat. It speaks volumns to the low self-esteem of a great number of women in the chat rooms and on the blogs.

Having been born to and raised in a Lebanese family, I can tell you with all honesty, that I have never been exposed to anyone, the likes of Patrick and others, whose moral standards are as low and depraved as those who they themselves claim to abhore. Specifically speaking, Muslims.

10:20 PM  
Blogger Tatiana said...

Sexy Lebanese,

I think you are absolutely correct. Women who feel beautiful are beautiful. It is very sad that some people feel the need to dinigrate others like that. Kudos to you for standing up for yourself and other women.

Thank you!

10:37 PM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

chatmindgames said...
i guess they are pretty if you like women that outline their lips with a color darker than their lip color and you like makeup piled on with a trowel. i myself prefer a few layers less makeup on my women.

Doesn't look like very much makeup to me. It's pretty obvious they are either there for professional photos or they are out at some gathering or event... Either way, you can easily see that if you take away the make up.. they are still very pretty women... The fact that they are Lebanese or from the Middle East doesn't change that fact. And yes, Sexy Lebanese.... you can say that about most women of color... regarding their looks... but there are equally pretty women who are of non-color... I guess one would say white... I hate using terms of black or white or brown.... I also don't like putting women in classes of "looks"... Looks are secondary.... But your point is well made... Patrick calls all women the most horrible, disgusting things... especially women from Arab or Middle Eastern backgrounds... But he'll have a hard time doing that with these women... Although in his scum-like way, he'll find a way !!!

There has to be another name to call you besides Sexy... or Lebanese... or Sexy Lebanese... I know you don't want to say who you are... so you won't say your screen name... it's just that calling you Sexy or Lebanese, doesn't quite sound right to me...

Hey Tatiana.... How's you?? Long time to see!!! Hope all is well with you and your family...

11:17 PM  
Blogger flyonthewall9210249 said...

Cha Ching Bada Bing, Pat get's bitch slapped again. Have no idea who you are but you go girl. If you plan on leaving this blog up let me know and i'll be glad to post the link on my blog. Welcome to the world of crazy blogging.

11:38 PM  
Blogger Future is now said...

I put your link on my blog and damnn this women are hot. drools..............

10:30 AM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Doing, my birth name is Rasha. If it sounds familiar to you, it should.

Flyonthewall, you can place my blog on your links.

Deception, my comment to you was only an observation. My experience here leads me to believe that if you are pretty, as you are, there will be persons who will try to make you feel ugly, inside and out, to compensate for their own lack of self-worth.

Tatiana you are correct. In that context, I should explain my remarks directed at Blondie. It is not in my character to speak of women, as I remarked to Blondie. I did so only because of recent comments she made of the women of Lebanon. As you can see, we are not all big nosed, fat, burkha wearing, suicide bombers. We also are not all muslims.

10:50 AM  
Blogger Future is now said...

Have i ever talked to you before in the rooms or in pm?

3:32 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

In the rooms. In passing. Not recently. Never in pm. I pm with few people. My list consists of five people from chat rooms. Three women, two men. Others on my list are family and friends.

5:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's funny, you claim Italian women as "women of color" Italians are very much as anglo as English, German, Polish, Russian read up on it the italians came from the caucasoids when they were just Italic people along with the Celtic and germanic people when they were still the Indo europeans.The reason some Italians are are dark is because they have a overwhelming increase of migration from eastern countries I know I'm italian with blonde hair and blue eyes and you need to really brush up on your history...

2:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the women here look the same first of all, they all seem to be models of some kind, they all wear caked on makeup and all have eyebrows that are painted on. I am a male I dont find those women attractive in the least. They all accept the first one have so much makeup they look like Tammy Faye Baker! Sexy_Lebanese, you also have caked on make up, also your face is very chubby! We will call you Chubby_Lebanese!

8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sexy_Lebanes , nice blog. I for one think you look beauteful.

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kountry_Cunt, you cant even spell Lebanese or beautiful you stupid hick! We all have now seen your pic you are one homely looking skank, get some lessons on how to spell simple words you white trash Georgia skank peach!

12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

at least kountry doesnt layer on makeup with a spatula and draw on weird looking eyebrows in shapes and places that nature never intended.

5:00 PM  
Blogger pats still here said...

Lebanon has a lot of white genes in it. I really would not call it a arab country. I sure the whore who made this blog thinks she is white. Most of the women, in pics she threw up,have very a large nose . I guess they would come in handy for drill bits if I was digging a well.

6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well pat it is an arab country and they speak arabic. until recently tho, the lebanese werent muslim fanatics and i doubt that most of them want any part of being muslim fanatics now either. but unfortunately, hezbollah controls 30% of their government. beirut was the most cosmopolitan city in the middle east until the crazies took it over.

6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he wants to talk about looks hes one ugly man . does pat have a mirror in his house?

8:51 PM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

Anon @9:51... He can talk about ugly all he wants... Just not about these women here... If he sees any of them as ugly, then he has no fucking clue....

Anon @7:54... Lebanon had ( and maybe still does have ) a very large Christian population... As Rasha said... The president HAD TO TO CHRISTIAN, according to their constitution.... Not sure if that part of it has changed...

Pat is just talking shit again... as usual... He can't stand to be wrong...

To the person who made the comment about Brightstar.... Does the fact that she is a Maronite Catholic Christian, descended from Lebanonese, make her a bad person too... I don't think one person would ever say that about Brightstar... But because Rasha, who is a Maronite Catholic Christian, doesn't like Patty, his hypocracy and that of others SHOWS RIGHT THROUGH !!!!!

Must suck to live your live as an ASSHOLE, Patty. Did you shit on Nacy's head again, in a trade to use her computer? Or did you shack finally get its power restored... Six hundred AA batteries..... Hahahahahaha !!!!!

10:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your a real ugly cunt lebanese as are all those picture you put up. Jew nose just plain ugly. I wouldn't fuck you or those big nosed Jew relative with my dogs dick

8:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I seem to recall NY had a power outage Steve. Did we make fun of you? NO. Your really sick.

8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No disrespect Miss leb but the majority of women shown on your blog are caked in makeup! Cameron Diaz looks beautiful WITH makeup, a complete DOG without!

4:41 AM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

No disrespect taken Jules. These women are actresses and singers, made up like our own actresses and singers who want to look their best for their portfolio shots. Personally, I do not often wear make up. When I do, it is usually a little blush and eyeliner. However, most are every bit as beautiful without makeup. As a woman yourself, I'm sure it is not hard to see. Two examples would be Adelle Boustani, the woman in the first photo and Hdeibe, wearing the black onyx, heart shaped choker. Your own photo, which I have seen, is beautiful with the makeup you are wearing, but easily one can see that without makeup you are just as beautiful. We are all beautiful in our way. It is the beauty within which counts most. Without inner beauty, our outter shell matters little.
- Rasa

8:37 AM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

This post was not about "inner beauty". It was in reply to what Patrick said in the room, coupled with a comment Blondie made about Lebanese women being fat, big nosed, suicide bombers.

On this page there is one woman, on a beach, wearing long pants and a bikini top. Another woman on the beach, wearing pants and a halter top. Hardly what I would call "too little clothing". As I indicated, the women presented here are actresses and singers. The pictures are portfolio/publicity pictures. I am confident that Audrey Hepburn, Angela Jolie and Brad Pitt, all have taken portfolio pictures wearing makeup they would not ordinarily wear while sitting around the house or out shopping for groceries.

Possibly, Angela Jolie might not have been a good examlple for you to use in your comment, judging by the photos of her on this page. Is this what you meant by "too little clothing"? http://www.celebsvideoarchive.com/videos/Angelina%20Jolie/index.html?id=3962&ref=bookmark

Equally, I am certain that Audrey Hepburn did not sit around her house, wearing the amount of make up she is found to wearing in this "publicty photo". http://www.audreyhepburn.com/assets/gallery/popup/vtl_4.jpg

I am in complete solidarity with women and men alike. A comment was made by a certain woman. I threw it back at her. My earlier comments should be enough to explain.

If every I blog on inner beauty, I will be sure to include Mother Theresa, on your behalf.
- Rasha

10:33 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

In my response to your earlier address, my first sentence was, This post was not about "inner beauty".

Perhaps reading correctly would have garnered a response more closely related to my comment.

I understand your bias. You do not like Lebanese people. You established that fact. Another fact is, the women portrayed here are beautiful in the outter appearances. Your bigoted comments do not detract from that fact.
- Rasha

10:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sexy leb they are trying to break you. your approach with them is not the usual basing they are used to. they not happy unless they are cursing and name calling. the melt down they try to elicit from you only causes their own melt down. my impression of the wallaby is of a jealous envious woman. other women have commented favorably. could it be aussie women are ugly beyond words?

10:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if the wallaby is so concerned about women being plastered all over the place, maybe she should concentrate her efforts in her own country. thousands of aussie kangaroo women compete each year for miss australia, miss world and miss universe. she acts like australia is devoid of women who think they are the most beautiful in the world. new flash wallby, it happens all over the world. your women plaster themselves all over. strut around in thongs and bikinis. i bet it makes you vomit that they are all prettier than you. countessa is prettier than you. lose the self righteous act.

4:23 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Bi_polar_pussy_by_farr, your comment did not make it to my blog due to sexually crude photograph presented with it. Patrick may allow such filth, I do not.

3:17 PM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

Only DUMB ASSHOLES are taken by words like "REMEMBER", as if there really is something to it...

YOUR blog spamming is to cast suspicions on others... And seeing as you do have Pat's password, it's very convenient for the both of you to go in and delete YOUR OWN spams... You're the one with the PROXIES, Alicia.

Nice try Alicia... Your psychology only works on naive people... And those who don't know how you operate... Right Alicia? REMEMBER, ALICIA ???

4:08 PM  

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