"Live By Every Word of YHWH"
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Location: Midwest

Spiritual, Wholesome, Compassionate, Passionate, Romantic, Down to earth

Favorite Music Ambient, Folk, Country, Lebanese, Jazz, Jazz Fussion,
New Age, Classical, Bluegrass, Alternative Rock, Electronica, World Music

Friday, July 21, 2006

Girl gone wild

In a comment I made on another blog, I spoke of a certain woman who has been gathering and posting the personal information of other Americans. It is a dangerous game she plays. I see no reason for her to be conducting herself as she does.

The excuses she uses, such as, 'I only do it to those who deserve it' and 'if they would only shut up and go away, they wouldn't have this done to them', are excuses for her own lack of self-worth. Who she deems as those who are deserving of her acts, is the mindset of someone who was, in all likelyhood, set upon by abusers in her early life. Be it physical, mental or emotional abuse, she almost certainly was a victim to one or all of these. It is a condition that allows her to justify her actions for her very existence. Without it, she can easily sucumb to her own inner fears of not having been loved, in the way one should be loved as a child, growing up. As an adult, she is not receiving the love she might otherwise deserve, from adults in her life.

She has spoken of a husband who is very infrequently by her side. She is living her loveless childhood, again, as an adult. To compensate, she attempts to destroy the lives and wellbeing of those who are happy in themselves and with others. It shows the utter contempt and lack of oneness with her own family and friends, and humanity as a whole. Only by some divine miracle or intervention, will she see the error of her ways and come to the realization that the world does not revolve around her. That she is not judge and jury. That her excuses for her poor judgement, is a refection on the thoughts she carries for herself.

If it were within my power, I would wave my hand, and eliminate the pain she carries around, so that the light of the world could shine upon her.


Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

alicia13199854 said...
BTW dumbarabcunt, what is a refection?

That was a typing error. You knew that. That is your way of expressing frustration of the guilt you carry. You have my sympathy.

You made a similar typing mistake. I will ask you the same question and give you the same response.
What does it mean to sick a dick?

I guess you got a piss poor grade in spelling too. Learn to use a spell check, or is that too high tech for your brain?

I am not an Arab. I am originally of Persian descent. I, as well as my parents, were born here in the United States. That makes me just as American as anyone who is of other ancestry and born here. Unless Israel bombs the United States, I can not see how I will be bombed flat and back into the dirt. My religion is Christian, and my parents are Christian and my grandparents. It was pointed out on another blog, that the profile picture is not of me. I rarely wear makeup. I do not think I need to. I will decide soon if I will present my picture here. I have been part of the chat room since 2003. A regular, you can say. I have interacted in the room with everyone. Everyone knows my voice, but has never seen me. My name was not known until I presented it here on my last post. I have never had to beg for anything in life. If you are referring to my asking Fly for help with putting music on my blog, that was a simple request for assistance. I don't remember begging for anything. I pray that God opens your mind and your heart.

11:30 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

I know very much what I am. I know the difference between Arab and Persian.

In rare cases, not understanding simple things, has their roots in ignorance. Not knowing my history, I can understand the frustration underlying your ignorance. Ignorance being a lack of knowledge. Here is the knowledge you lack.

We are Maronite Christians. My grandparents moved to the lands of Lebanon, from the area of Shiraz, in Iran (Persia), sometime after Lebanon gained its independence in 1943. To further your knowledge, Shiraz is home to many Jews. Something you did not realize. Around 1951, after they were married, they immigrated to the United States. A short time after arriving here, my grandmother gave birth to my father. In the 1970's, my father met and married my mother. In 1978, I was born.

I hope this broadened your limited knowledge of my history. I am no supporter of Hezbollah or terrorists, Islamic or otherwise. I am very much in favor of Israel's existence and independence, and support their efforts in defending themselves. I am against the murder and injuring of innocent civilians, no matter what their national origin or religion.

Did you know, prior to recent elections in Lebanon, the President of Lebanon was Catholic? Maronite Catholic. That is how it was set up, after Lebanon gained their independence in 1943. I think you did not know this.

I will continue to pray for you

8:49 AM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

I made no remarks of support for Hezbollah.

My prayers are with you.

11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you stupid cunt, you cant even decide whether you are persian or arab. sounds to me like you are some newbie slag trying to be something she isnt.

12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
sexy - rasha - is a maronite christian. brightstar is a maronite christian. interesting.

12:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sexy Lebanese said...
I know very much what I am. I know the difference between Arab and Persian.
My grandparents moved to the lands of Lebanon, from the area of Shiraz, in Iran (Persia), sometime after Lebanon gained its independence in 1943. To further your knowledge, Shiraz is home to many Jews. Something you did not realize. Around 1951, after they were married, they immigrated to the United States. A short time after arriving here, my grandmother gave birth to my father. In the 1970's, my father met and married my mother. In 1978, I was born.

alicia foot in the mouth. sexy made you look like fool. didnt take much. lmfao

12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that makes her of persian descent, so why is she calling herself a sexy lebanese? lebanese are arabs, not persians. get your story straight. and brightstar is a catholic.

12:57 PM  
Blogger J*A*C*K said...

Sexy Lebanese said...
I made no remarks of support for Hezbollah.

My prayers are with you.

12:31 PM


Do you support Hezbollah?

5:18 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Anonymous said...
that makes her of persian descent, so why is she calling herself a sexy lebanese? lebanese are arabs, not persians. get your story straight. and brightstar is a catholic.

Did you miss my explaination? Someone recopied it just above your comment. You should read it. If you have trouble comprehending what I said, you can ask someone to read it for you. It might become clearer to you.

11:08 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Anonymous said...
sexy - rasha - is a maronite christian. brightstar is a maronite christian. interesting.

If you are suggesting that I am Brightstar, I will leave that to your imaginings.

Anonymous said...
and brightstar is a catholic

Maronites are members of an Eastern Catholic Church in full communion with the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. Catholics are Christians. Maronites are Catholics. Which makes Maronites, Christians. I don't see the confusion, except that you must not have known that Maronites are Cathloics. This is why it pays to inform yourself prior to making statements based on assumptions.

- Rasha

11:30 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Anonymoust said...
Do you support Hezbollah?

You could have read my comment at 9:49AM. Your answer was given there. Repeating myself will not be a habit I will adopt. For you, I will make a last exception.

Sexy Lebonese said...
I am no supporter of Hezbollah or terrorists, Islamic or otherwise. I am very much in favor of Israel's existence and independence, and support their efforts in defending themselves. I am against the murder and injuring of innocent civilians, no matter what their national origin or religion.

- Rasha

11:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not all catholics are maronite, dumbcunt, it doesnt follow that because bright is a catholic, that she is a maronite catholic. duh!

9:18 AM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

Anonymous said...
not all catholics are maronite, dumbcunt, it doesnt follow that because bright is a catholic, that she is a maronite catholic. duh!

10:18 AM

She said Maronites are Catholic, not Catholics are Maronites. Learn how to read. Also Brightstar is a Maronite...WHY?? Because she only said so about 50 time... IDIOT !!! Hahahahahahaa!!!

Nighty Night !!!

1:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so many idiots to little time

7:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kamona sitting on pat's face


5:47 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

kountry_gal78 said...
Sexy_Lebanes , nice blog. I for one think you look beauteful.

Thank you for complimenting my blog. The photograph is not of me. If I decide to present my picture here, any compliments in that regard should go to my parents. I once saw a beautiful photograph of you seated, wearing a hat.

6:24 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

I am confident you will figure it out on your own.

10:44 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

First, you should know, possibly by reading my earlier comment, third from the top, that I am American, of Lebanese descent. Second generation American, as my parents were also born here in the United States. I am Maronite Catholic. Raised here in America, I grew up like all Americans who were born here, of parents whose descendants are from other countries. Most, whom I am sure, eat "pizza".

I eat pizza. I eat steak. I eat pork. I eat roast beef. I eat chicken. I eat pasta. I eat rice. I eat salad. I eat bread. I eat fish. I eat at McDonalds. I eat at Red Lobster. I eat at the Apple Garden. I eat apples. I eat oranges. I eat berries. I drink coke and pepsi. I drink 7 UP and lemonade. I drink wine occassionaly with my supper.

My name is Rasha.

Taking all that into account, together with my earlier biography, does that help your "rooting out" process?
- Rasha

10:56 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Do you suggest that every American born here is "sponging off the land"?

9:45 AM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

I do not see how I can be sponging off the American people. Those who sponge off others are ones who come here to live on government assistance. I am employed. I pay my taxes, and share a home with a good friend.

There are none interesting enough for me to stalk and I have not insulted anyone.
- Rasha

11:43 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Doing, when did you become me? I am sure that is what was implied. Crash test wallaby is suggesting a paradox. Although possible, as all things are possible, it helps in keeping my identity a secret. I am only slightly humored, but not at all surprised. The many musings on the blogs have clouded the minds of many.
- Rasha

8:36 AM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

Hahahahaha... Funny... I'm not sure that's Crasha.... But if it is... maybe it was Betty Boop she didn't like... I don't know... Anyway... Anyone who's seen my house, knows I live on the second floor... They also know I work... You must have me confused with Shooter and Alicia as far as the stalking goes... Alicia's always "tracking" people down...

Lovely women, Rasha... I see their noses in proportion to their faces...

10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes its crash, its another woman who cant stand your stalking freaky ass.

7:12 PM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

Like I said... I don't know is that's Crash or not... Anon's are not my source of information. People who stalk are usually the ones talking about stalking... Are you stalking people? Alicia stalks all the time... When she goes through the trouble of looking up peoples information... where they live... work... credit histories... family... friends... cars they drive... etc..etc..etc... that's stalking... Maybe she can give you some pointers!!

Anything else ??

7:42 PM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

It's stallking.. Mentally deraigned DIPSHIT...

Crasha did nothing... I dragged her into nothing... It was a clip of her BASHING a Muslim Sympathizer... It doesn't bother me one bit that YOU want to turn it into something else...

You're NO ONE that I care one bit about.... I thought that was made clear to you... Now go read up on how the commit an ANDREA YATES on IMMAGINARY CHILDREN... Or better yet... Just get some psychological help: Lexrat, Flychink, Flykitty, Airforce girl, Nikki...

Oh, and let's NOT FORGET... TONY aka Tweekin... you OTHER PERSONALITY... Wonder where "he's" been lately!!! Throughout the whole fiasco bewteen you and me... He didn't make ONE appearence... Yet "he" made appearences for much less.... Interesting!!

Did you get so caught up in your ALTER EGOS that you FORGOT to come in as TONY??? Hahahahahaha !!!

How many people do you REALLY think fall for your BULLSHIT? Oh, that's right... You laugh with others...Hahahahaha.... Yea... "WE" laugh too !!!

GET HELP!! Or just end it now, rather than later...

12:33 PM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

Takes just a few minutes to make a video... I know you're not smart enough to make one yourself... but it really doesn't long at all...

25 blogs is nothing... it's really 25 posts... MUCH MUCH LESS then everyone else has... You act like it's supposed to mean something.

Not obsessing over anyone.... EXPOSING is more like it... And I did that easily... Thank you !!!

As far as the Fly thing goes... You seem really itchy to say something... I have no idea what phone call you're talking about... And I haven't THROWN THAT IN YOUR FACE for over a month now... Could it be that YOU and SOMEONE concocted something that YOU now HAVE TO GET OUT OF YOUR SYSTEM, because YOU can't hold it in anymore?? That's on you... If you and Fly spoke about something, and you're now ready to BETRAY HER... LIKE YOU'VE BETRAYED EVERYONE ELSE... That's on you...

I'm sorry if the Andrea Yates comments are getting to you... Buck up... Stop crying !!!

10:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must say that of all the blogs sites I have read, yours has to be the most honest. You are doing a wonderful job. As for the women wearing make-up in the photos, well almost all women wear something to enhance what God has given them. If you can't see these women as beautiful creations, then you are either jealous or homosexual. Keep up the good job.

12:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must say that of all the blogs sites I have read, yours has to be the most honest. You are doing a wonderful job. As for the women wearing make-up in the photos, well almost all women wear something to enhance what God has given them. If you can't see these women as beautiful creations, then you are either jealous or homosexual. Keep up the good job.

12:07 AM  

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