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Saturday, August 05, 2006

China - No Friend of the United States or Israel

China arms the most dangerous terrorists in the world. China has provided sophisticated missles to Iran so their Hezbollah proxies in Lebanon could use them to start this war and escalate it to new levels of killing technology.

The radar-guided missles that killed four Israeli sailors off the coast of Lebanon was a sophisticated Chinese surface-skimming missle.

The Chinese government is a greater threat to democracy around the world than Iran, North Korea, Iraq or Afghanistan. They are the one entity that has been the benefactor of every enemy of freedom in the aforementiond crises. Without arms from the Chinese government, those threats would be far weaker, and possibly even nonexistant.

The missles being fired into Israel, by Hezbollah, in northern Lebanon were given to them by Iran - missles which were produced for the muallahcracy Iranian regime by none other than the Chinese Communist Party.

The Chinese Communist Party has made no secret of their alliance with Tehran and Damascus - Syria -. Even the Taliban and al Qaeda have found a friendly reception in Beijing. It is no secret that China laundered mney for Osama bin Ladin through its front companies in stock markets aroud the world. On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, just prior to the attacks here in America, the Taliban and Communist Chinese Party signed an economic agreement.

Why the alliances between Communist China and the most vile and virulent terrorists in the world? Two reasons: Hatred for America and the fear of Democracy.

We are in a cold war with Communist China. Do not let reports to the contray fool you. If you are not already apprised to this, it will make itself clearer in the comming months.


Blogger Doing_what said...

Lol Rasha.... Morons still relating you and me as the same...

Regarding this China thing... You're right... People like Patty want to hold on the notion that China would never go against us for economic reasons... China really doesn't need us economically... and if they do ( at present ) it still doesn't take away from their "bigger picture" in their behinds the scenes ( not so much anymore... it all coming out ) relationships with those who are against us...

But then Patty and people like him don't know anything more than what THEY WANT TO BELIEVE IS TRUE... They have a problem with others knowing more than they do... They have their heads stuck up the local media's asses ( who only perpetrate government lies and coverups )...

Take your heads out of your asses... Wake up.. Smell the coffee... You'll be the first ones to be eliminated ( one can only hope !! )

12:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

doing_what said...
We need more people like Harry S. Truman to run for President... The last president with any BALLS !!!

Let's look at the Bush's:
Prescott - had business dealings with his GOOD FRIEND, Adolf Hitler

George Sr. - Sold weapons to TERRORISTS. Pardoned his ACCOMPLICES to keep them from testifying against him and Reagan

George Jr. - Convicted Criminal! Drunk driving conviction. Admitted drug ABUSER. Numerous arrests. Went AWOL in the National Guard.

Laura Bush - Manslaughter - Killed an ex-boyfriend.

Neil Bush - Stole millions of dollars from Silverado Savings and Loan.

Columba Bush ( Jeb's wife ) - Convicted criminal - Arrested for smuggling

Jenna/Barbara ( Pres' daughters ) - Numerous alcohol arrests.

George P. Bush - Vandalism, Breaking and entering - Stalking

Noelle Bush - Numerous drug arrests.

Jeb Jr. - Statutory rape.Illicit sex act with a minor.

All true and verifiable... Need we say more??!!!!!

12:19 PM  
Blogger Brandsonsale.com Shipping Fraud said...

Los chinos son unos hijos de la chingada. We have to be very careful with them. And also those cacarouches in iran that will supply many terrorist organization with dirty bomb suitcase, watch out!!! Cabrones!!

11:13 PM  

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