"Live By Every Word of YHWH"
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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Basic Rythms - What Makes Us Women

Awe at the wonder of life and respect for the process of nature seems to have completlely disappeared from the practice of medicine.

Many doctors are now encouraging young women to use birth control pills and other hormonal contraceptives to avoid having a menstrual cycle.

Young 22 year old, Stephanie Sardinha hasn't had a period since she was 17 years old and says she got the idea from her aunt, a nurse practioner. She uses a vaginal contraceptive ring which is supposed to be left out for one week during the month to allow for her menstrual cycle. Instead of leaving it out, she replaces it every three weeks to stop her menstrual cycle. "It's really one of the best things I've ever done," says Sardinha.

The Pharmaceutical industry is paving the way to pathologizing the most basic rythms of life. We've turned cholesterol into a villain and menopause into a disease. "Seasonale", the popular contraceptive that makes women bleed just four times a year, will soon be replaced by drugs that eliminate bleeding altogether.

"I have a ton of young girls in college who are doing this," says Dr. Mindy Wiser-Estin, a gynocologist in the eastcoast. "For many young women, eliminating the menstrual cycle means an end to monthly fatigue, heavy bleeding and cramps."

In their enthusiasm to avoid the most basic rythm of mammalian life, physicians and their patients are glossing over the potential risks, such as infertility, increased risk of heart attack, stroke and blood clots and most seriously, unknown dangers to the health and mental capacity of the next generation.

What does God think about this? What do you think about this.


Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Thank you for your help Doing. Sounds wonderful.

3:07 PM  
Blogger flyonthewall9210249 said...

That is insane. The menstrual cycle is natures way of cleansing a womans reproductive system. How many children will be born further down the road with problems due to this crap?

7:32 PM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

You're welcome Roe...

The preview song you had playing upon entering the blog was messed up in the middle of the song... like a scratch... I put a new copy in the M3U Playlist File on MediaMax... Kept the same name so you wouldn't have to mess with the template... Sounds good now...

Rergarding your topic:
Everyone is always trying to play God. And doctors and psychiatrist and the drug companies have people convinced that certain things are just fine... Well... I don't think God appreciates tampering with his creations... And I think it's like anything else... Someone says something enough times and naive people will be taken in by it... Their philosophy is, "Morality and ethics be damned". Actually... GODLESS comes to mind!! They'll learn the hard way, I guess.

Good post though...!!

7:42 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

You are not the real Nuke. I am not Loki. What is the sisterhood?

12:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

stevie talking to himself again, and writing about womens periods. damn, thats just a sick topic for a grown man to be thinking about. what a freak you are stevie. are you getting in touch with your feminine side? maybe you should go see a doc and see if they can give you a period, you sound jealous that you cant have one.

6:39 AM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

Alicia... Typing in Anon doesn't conceal who you are... DUH!!!

If I was Rasha, you MIGHT has a point... And you obviously missed Rasha's point...

I think this has less to do with women's monthly cycle than it does the ethical question of whether doctors and drug companies should be doing these things and whether women should be availing themself to such INSANE practices...

What's wrong... haven't figured out who Rasha is yet... Of course not! But EVERYONE has figured out that you are Nikki, Airforce_girl, LexRat, FlyChink, FlyKitty, DessertDancer.... Hmmmmmmmm !!!

Don't you get any sleep? Up all day and night posting shit in Anon ( as if we don't know ). Yea...Yea.. We heard it already - You don't post in Anon because whatever you have to say you can say in your own ID, Alicia, Nikki, FlyChink, FlyKitty, LexRat, DessertDancer... Having trouble inventing a new personality for yourself...

Maybe you can come back as a MENTALLY DERANGED, PHYCHOTIC person with MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER..... Oooooooops ...Sorry... That's your current status.... Oh well... Guess you'll have to come back as an ANTI-AMERICAN.... Oooooops... Damn... You're that too!!! Decisions...Decisions!!!

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rasha, I love your blog. YOU make sense and stick to a topic. You seem very level headed which is needed in here! Keep it up girl!

1:15 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

You are very welcome. To be fair, Loki and Flyonthewall have interesting topics on their blog. It is the troublemakers who veer off in other directions.

If you listen to the song Driftwood, there are lines that read, "You're driftwood floating underwater - Breaking into pieces, pieces, pieces. Just driftwood, hollow and of no use. Waterfalls will find you, bind you, grind you"

That is how I perceive many of the troublemakers. It is not worth my time to be involved in mundane, nonsense. There are so many much more important things in life to focus ones attention on.

- Rasha

2:23 PM  
Blogger Future is now said...

Have you seen the movie kingdom of heaven and if so what were your thoughts on it?

1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Skipping periods should be completely left up to the woman. Just as long as she knows the risks involved.
Besides, less bitches on PMS is a good thing!

2:12 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

I have heard of the movie but have yet to see it. Is it worth renting?

- Rasha

5:52 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Bitches refers to female dogs. This post concerns women. Are there no woman in your family?

Food for thought:
In some Asian countries, women do not go through what has been come to be known as "menopause".

PMS is not global and is mostly psychological, due to the discomforts associated with the menstrual cycle. PMS also is not confined only to women. Studies suggest that men experience a form of "pms" with the same regularity as women.

- Rasha

6:23 PM  
Blogger Brandsonsale.com Shipping Fraud said...

I like ur style in the music dept! the good old days...

7:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nuke(.) (.)Mecca=Geo

7:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All women go through menopause you moron if they live long enough. They may not all have problems with it but they do go through it. I guess since you are really a man you would not know that.

11:10 AM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Is your infactuation with Doing so strong that everyone who does not identify themselves to you, automatically is determined to be Doing? You stand corrected.

Speaking on the topic, I may have erred. It is hot flashes that are not experienced by most women going through menopause, in Asian countries. I stand corrected.

For more information, http://www.epigee.org/menopause/soy.html

"Soy For Menopause
However, it has been noticed that only about 30% of women living in Asia ever experience hot flashes during menopause. What are women in Asia doing that we are not?"

- Rasha

3:45 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

The party has just begun19843795 said...
I like ur style in the music dept! the good old days...

Most of the selections are pretty new. But I do listen to older songs.

I particularly like KT Tunstall from Scotland. She is a new artist with a fabulous voice and is enjoying a successful coming out here in the US. If I were closer to New York I would love to go see her in September.

5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bitches refers to female dogs. This post concerns women. Are there no woman in your family?

"sexy lebanese," it was a joke. Don't you have ANY sence of humor? Bitchs are female dogs AND lots of women are bitches.

You need to lighten up and get a little thicker skin. Chill.

7:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:47 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Infatuation. Noted and corrected.

Excuse me if I do not hide in a corner from your childish outburst. I will asume that I injured your ego by expanding on a topic you know little of, and your limited social skills allows for only immaturity to project.

- Rasha

9:11 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

How is it a joke when you reiterate that "lots of women are bitches"? Why should I have a sense of humor over a statement that denegrates women?

I would also caution you on your spelling. There is an angry person lurking, whose ego has been hurt and is attacking spelling errors. Your error was with the word "sense". You spelled it "sence". Be thankful it was I who pointed it out to you and not the angry, hurt ego person. You may have been called a "cunt", in a feeble attempt to make you feel humiliated.

- Rasha

9:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am "Midol." I am the one that thinks it would be nice if there were less bitches on PMS and I am also the one that thinks you need to lighten up and get a sense of humor and laugh or smile or something. The Muslim in you won't allow that, eh? LOL

And, for the record, I am not that same person that attacked you about your spelling and called you a "cunt."

Maybe you should get an IP Tracer like Fly and use it to trace peoples' IPs to their comments.

I would caution you with your accusations.

And hey - try not to be such a "BITCH."


10:38 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

I am aware you are not that person. The second paragraph is clear on that. Your caution is thus nullified.

I am too laid back to be a "bitch" and neither want nor need a tracer. You seem like an angry person. Take a walk. Sit and meditate or reflect on your life. Listen to some music. Read the bible.

God bless you.

- Rasha

10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only people Fly traces are assholes. You must fit that bill.

4:20 PM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

Why does Rasha need a IP Tracer? It seems Rasha takes people's bashing with a grain of salt and thus doesn't care who's doing the bashing. Apparently not one to be goaded into the back and forth bashing we're all guilty of.

5:02 PM  
Blogger Doing_what said...


BEFORE ANYONE GOES TO THE IRANIAN PRESIDENT'S WEBSITE... YOU SHOULD READ THE INTERNET SECURITY WARNING AT THIS SITE: http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/antisemitismmodern_argument_to_age_old_hate/index.html


5:27 PM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

Here's the link for those who can't click it.... http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/antisemitismmodern_argument_to_age_old_hate/index.html

5:38 PM  

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