"Live By Every Word of YHWH"
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Location: Midwest

Spiritual, Wholesome, Compassionate, Passionate, Romantic, Down to earth

Favorite Music Ambient, Folk, Country, Lebanese, Jazz, Jazz Fussion,
New Age, Classical, Bluegrass, Alternative Rock, Electronica, World Music

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Pray This Is Not Our Next 9-11

The reality of nuclear war is hard to comprehend until we are actually confronted by the survivors of the nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.

"The temperature of the air at the point of the explosion reached several million degrees Celsius," said David Krieger, president of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. The bomb dropped on Hiroshima killed 70,000 from the initial blast, heat and radiation, and about the same number died later from radiation poisoning."

Shotaro Kodama was 15 years old, working in a factory in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. He said the shock was so great that he had no fear or anxiety. "I had no emotion at all." He described burnt people from the city-center. "They were almost naked with all their clothes blown off. Their skin was reddish-black and was peeling, dangling from their limbs.

The 21-kiloton bomb used at Nagasaki is considered miniscule by modern standards, said Nickolas Roth, from the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. "Today, there are thousands of missiles tipped with nuclear warheads hundreds of times more powerful. A full nuclear war would likely bring about the end of the human race." It only takes about 8 kilograms to make a nuclear weapon.

Extremely scary. One mistake, one false reading by NORAD, one bad judgement call by a president or foreign leader, one terrorist detonation, one person not satisfied with the previous nights chicken stew, and millions, tens of millions of people can and will be evaporated like a drop of water on a hot skillet.

showcontrols="true" uimode="none" width="250" height="170"
src="http://www.dumpalink.com/asx.php?id=1153475036" autostart="false" loop="true">


Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Most advisers to President Harry S. Truman, including Winston Churchill, opposed the use of the bomb. General Dwight Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander in Europe during World War II and later U.S. president, wrote that it was his belief that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary. "…I thought [it was] no longer mandatory as a measure to save American lives."

5:11 PM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

Well Rasha.... The next two weekends are not very good for being on the east side of Manhattan... Hopefully I'm wrong... But.... !!!

By the way.... KT Tunstall will be at the China Club... You wouldn't wanna run into Cockslap there... Supposedly that's his old hangout when he was a "bouncer" and bodyguard for the "mafia"...Hahahahahaha !!!

8:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

too bad they didnt nuke lebanon. maybe next time.

8:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rash, how can you call yourself "sexy" in your blog screen name? There is nothing "sexy" about you - you are a very depressing, somber, boring person.

9:10 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

For the record, Alicia and Scuba say I have deleted their comments. I have never seen a comment by Scuba on my blog and I have not deleted comments made by Alicia. Fabricating stories are for children, and adults was a need for self aggrandizement.

As to the question of my heritage, I have always said I am Persian. I have not once made a statement claiming to be Arab. It is possible that you misread my statement or that you intentionally fabricated a story to mislead.

The following statements by me were made on July 22.

Sexy Lebanese said....
I am not an Arab. I am originally of Persian descent. I, as well as my parents, were born here in the United States. That makes me just as American as anyone who is of other ancestry and born here. Unless Israel bombs the United States, I can not see how I will be bombed flat and back into the dirt. My religion is Christian, and my parents are Christian and my grandparents. It was pointed out on another blog, that the profile picture is not of me. I rarely wear makeup. I do not think I need to. I will decide soon if I will present my picture here. I have been part of the chat room since 2003. A regular, you can say. I have interacted in the room with everyone. Everyone knows my voice, but has never seen me. My name was not known until I presented it here on my last post. I have never had to beg for anything in life. If you are referring to my asking Fly for help with putting music on my blog, that was a simple request for assistance. I don't remember begging for anything. I pray that God opens your mind and your heart.
12:30 AM

Sexy Lebanese said....
We are Maronite Christians. My grandparents moved to the lands of Lebanon, from the area of Shiraz, in Iran (Persia), sometime after Lebanon gained its independence in 1943. To further your knowledge, Shiraz is home to many Jews. Something you did not realize. Around 1951, after they were married, they immigrated to the United States. A short time after arriving here, my grandmother gave birth to my father. In the 1970's, my father met and married my mother. In 1978, I was born
9:49 AM

I expect this clears up the matter of my ancestry and of my prior statements. Alicia's claim that I stated something that I clearly did not, indicates a pattern and history of false statements she makes. This was one such example. From what I can gather, it is inappropriate for someone who has lied about her many identities to accuse anyone of the same.

- Rasha

1:29 AM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

If I am boring because I refuse to adapt to the dysunctional and meaningless banter that fills your life and that of your associates on other blogs, I accept your compliment.

God be with you.

- Rasha

2:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God clear up your RASH!

2:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is showing personality or happiness, or a sence of humor dysunctional and meaningless?

Calling one's self "sexy" is dysunctional and meaningless.

4:10 AM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

The word meant was dysfunctional.

The childish name calling and constant bickering, hatred, information posting between chatters who do not know eachother's lives is dysfunctional. If that is your happiness, I find it and you very sad.

Using God to make derogatory statements is dysfunctional and sinful.

Go with God.

- Rasha

11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I am boring because I refuse to adapt to the dysunctional <---- That is your spelling.

Is showing personality or happiness, or a sence of humor dysfunctional and meaningless?
HOW DOES THAT STATMENT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH The childish name calling and constant bickering, hatred, information posting between chatters who do not know eachother's lives???

The person merely stated that you are boring and lacking personality(which is true) and you assume he is a blog shit stirrer.

I agree with that "angry peron."
You need to lighten up. Crack a smile.

1:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rasha (or should I say Zeena) said:
"I don't find Blondie pretty at all. She needs to have work done on that snout she calls a nose."

Rasha (Zeena), seems you've adapted to the meaningless banter. The childish name calling and constant bickering and hatred.

Go with God.

3:09 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

In my opinion they are both related. I view all that I stated as being dysfunctional.

I realize I left out a letter when typing the word dysfunctional, that was the reason for my statement of what was meant. Sexy Lebanese said...
The word meant was dysfunctional.

Do you not see me smiling from your location? If you move a little to your left, your field of view will change and you will see the smile.

6:32 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

My comment referring to Blondie, in my very first post, was in response to her attack on Lebanese women, describing them as ugly, fat, suicide bombers. I was polite in my response, compared to the usual banter.

Reading my subsequent posts and replies in the comment sections, you will find that I have not adapted to what most think of as entertaining, humorous.

6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rasha (Doing)
We all know that you are Steve Morales and you are really wasting your time impersonating a woman.

Steve, it is well understood that you enjoy spending all of your time on your computer making blogs and creating personalities.

You have gone a little over the top with this blog. Nice blog - I must say - but too bad the person behind it isn't for real.

Jokes over. Give up the act. You are way too obvious.

6:50 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Alicia, if I did not publish comments you allegedly made, it would mean that, at some point, I would have deleted them. You enjoy semantics after making false claims which are caught and brought to your attention. I wonder if only I see through you.

A woman using the word "cunt", is extremely unbecomming. Were you not raised by a woman with a sense of modesty?

I will continue to pray for you.

- Rasha

6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shut up CUNT!

6:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yah - you go DOING!

7:43 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Is this a challenge for me to somehow prove who I am? I see this more as a group, you call "sheep", being swayed by someone who is not completely stable where her mind is concerned. Until I decide to account for who I am, should I every decide to do so, you are free to believe as you will. Doing is getting kick out of this and I have nothing more to say on the matter. You are free to think whatever you will.

I understand Fly and Nuke have both banned Geo from their blogs. With this post, I will also make a decision. If you wish to bash, you may do so, but with some modicum of class. If you insist on using words such as "cunt" and other such words, your comments will not be published. If your vocabulary does not allow for maturity, you will not be heard here. There are other blogs which allow for your crudeness. You have been warned.

- Rasha

9:09 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Thank you for your half-hearted compliment concerning the make up of my blog. Doing helped me with the music and Soft Spoken assisted with the new background.

9:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you Doing or Zeena Galhi

9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rasha... I honestly did attempt to post something and in fact it was related to the subsequent topic. But sometimes blogger makes mistakes or it could have taken sometime to be accepted and I "X" out of my reply.

I use to bash people in the blogs or defend myself in the blogs when I was attacked. But, I don't do that anymore. I only comment in blogs when it pertains to the topic. If there was some kind of misunderstanding...please accept my apology. I just wanted to clarify this matter up after reading your comment in "Fly's" blog.


1:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

spook the fool-LMFAO said...
spook said...
rasha aka sexy lebanese aka doing what exposed.click to save picture of the blogger profile zeena ghali is the name.

spook aka alicia needs to research better before making a fool of herself. rasha said in her second post on july 21,2006 that the pic was not her. lmfao. why do you keep making a fool of yourself spook/alicia?

sexy lebanese said...
It was pointed out on another blog, that the profile picture is not of me. I rarely wear makeup. I do not think I need to. I will decide soon if I will present my picture here.

12:30 AM

spook is a joke. a dumb joke at that.

3:54 AM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Thank you Spook clone. You saved me the trouble of searching for my original comment on the photo I use for my profile. I am glad someone is paying attention.

4:39 AM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

Rasha don't fall for their games.. Don't put your pic up here... You have nothing to prove to them... Let them obsess over this as they do every everything else...

11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yah Doing, DON'T put your pic up there.

12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

alicia13199854 said...
Fascinating. Its 3 pm here and its the first time I've been on the computer all day.

4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

alicia has fits of rage when no one tells her who someone is. she doesnt stop until she gets her way or she sees she cant control someone. then she goes on a bashing spree in anonymous ids. lmfao. doing is isnt the only one who knows who rasha is, pocahontas. take deep breaths. lmfao

4:26 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Doing, presenting my picture here is not a concern to me. I am secure in my overall looks. My only concern is giving as little information about myself as possible. My name and picture would not give away who I am.

5:23 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Scuba I honestly did not see a comment with your name signed to it. If it was an anonymous comment, it is possible that it was deleted from my moderated comments. There was spammed on the blog 2 weeks ago and I deleted the spam comments. That was prior to my turning on the moderate comments feature. Since then, I have also not seen any comments that were signed with your name.

5:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for saying that you refused to publish my post(s.)

You see, I am what that call, a "flip-flopper." I cannot make up my mind who I want to be friends with. I want to be Alicia's friend, and be your friend at the same time. Just like I want to be friends with Trish and Geo at the same time, Nuke and Pat's, etc.

I was compelled to say that on Alicia's blog just to assure her that I was in agreement with her. I am not sure if you are Doing or not. I shouldn't have judged without getting my facts straight. Please accept my apology.

Respectfully embarrassed,

6:34 PM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

Roe... I added Andeas Vollenweider to your music site... He's Swedish... a bit ecclectic.. Listen to it... It's electronic harp... one of them has a little mideastern flavor to it... put it up if you like.. I added a su'em su'em to it :)

9:41 PM  
Blogger Brandsonsale.com Shipping Fraud said...

Cat fights or what? Rasha seems like a very nice person. My respects to you regardless of what you have heard of me in the blogs, looool. What up scubas!

10:01 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

scuba girl said...
I am not sure if you are Doing or not.

Scuba, I do not know that you are Scuba. The "flip flop" statement makes me wonder if you are a clone. I was not going to publish your comment because of that.

Likewise, I do not know if Doing is correct in saying you are Alicia. I do trust Doing and know that he has been correct in many things; however, I have no independent knowledge of this and I am not one to follow blindly or accuse without knowing. A trait that is so prevelant in others.

My short comment to you previously, was based solely on your comment to me. I will not be placed in the position of taking sides, neither for Doing, nor against him when it is between persons I hold no animosity towards. He is a good friend. I will defend him when needed but his squabbles are his own.

10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rasha...Yes that was me. Excuse me for my sarcasm. So many people have called me a "flip-flop" that I have adopted that nic name for myself. I would like to remain friends with peoples' rivals, and if that makes me a "flip-flop," so be it.

Doing knows that Alicia is not me but he just wants to try to start some BS. If I were you, I'd watch your back with him. I know he is helpful with your blog but he has an agenda and he wants to use you to mess with peoples' heads. I hope you will be careful.


1:39 PM  
Blogger Brandsonsale.com Shipping Fraud said...

Im just curious, lebanese lady, how in the hell did you end up in this huge soap? Were you in the islam chat too?

5:20 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Scuba, Doing is not someone who helps me with my blog. He taught me how to add music to my blog. He is a friend. We have been friends ever since room 5, prior to our move to room 10.

As I do not know you well, except from what I see of you on the blogs, what I have seen of you in the rooms, and from Doing's conversations concerning Scuba, I am still not convinced that you are who you say you are.

I stated in my prior comment to you that, I do not follow blindly. Doing has always been a gentleman with me and I am not at all concerned with what you term an "agenda". Your "warning" derives from your squabble with him. I am no stranger to rumor and gossip. Please do not assume that you are saving me in some way. My trust in Doing is far greater than with most I have made acquaintance with in the past four years.

Respectfully, if your attempt is to cause division, you have found the wrong person to use.

- Rasha

7:59 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

The party has just begun19843795 said...
Im just curious, lebanese lady, how in the hell did you end up in this huge soap? Were you in the islam chat too?

Yes I was room 10 regular until my departure. I am not aware that I am in a "soap", assuming you refer to a soap opera. There are some who try to divide friendships for a purpose I can not understand. It should be apparent to you that the two persons who are including me in a "soap", are the same two persons who do not like Doing_what.

If that is my "crime", I accept the sentence.

- Rasha

8:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FFS unsexy lesbo, Geo was trying to pay you a compliment. Can't you read the undertones in his post to you? He has made quite a few nice remarks about you in other blogs as well, saying that you are "nice" etc... And the "blog soap" comment was his way of saying that you are "too nice" to be in these blog wars... bla bla bla.

"I am not aware that I am in a "soap""


Quit playing dumb and accept Geo's compliment instead of using your answer as a way to twist shit around.

8:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rasha...Yes that was me. Excuse me for my sarcasm


8:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scuba, Doing is not someone who helps me with my blog. He taught me how to add music to my blog.

sounds to me that doing is someone that helps you with your blog. he taught you how to add music to your blog. that is helping.

8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rasha, first you said, " I am no stranger to rumor and gossip."
to Scuba...

Than you said, "I am not aware that I am in a "soap", assuming you refer to a soap opera."
to Geo

nice playing dumb act!

11:02 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

What unkind word did I say to Geo? Saying I'm unaware of being in a "soap" is not unkind.

Sarcasm is not the issue. The issue is not knowing whether that is Scuba or not Scuba.

Doing helping me with music was not the point I was making. The point I was making is that he is more than someone who helped me put music on my blog.

Scuba girl said...
I know he is helpful with your blog but he has an agenda and he wants to use you to mess with peoples' heads.

"I am no stranger to rumor and gossip" referred to the rumor and gossip about doing and others, not about me.

In all four of your comments, you need lessons in understanding what someone is pointing out. You completely missed my point in each instance. Hopefully it is clearer to you now. I will remember for the next time to convey myself in simplier terms that you are able to understand.

- Rasha

12:01 AM  

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