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Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Patrick requests my presence on his blog. That is the message I received from a dear friend. According to Patrick, I do not grace his blog with my presence for the reason of not wanting to be identified by my ip address. He believes I am Doing and am fearful that my comments will be traced back to Doing. How absurd.

I do not venture to Patrick's blog because I find neither him nor anything he has to offer, of any interest to me. I am not interested in the "soap" dramas which permeate the blogs. My comments, in relation to any "soap" related issues, are only made in response to questions or comments directed to me or asked of me.

If I am Doing and did not want to be "found out", I would do as does Alicia; I would request the assistance of someone who knows about using proxie ip addresses, to help me conceal my ip address. I could do that at any time. How would Patrick or anyone be any more enlightened than they are now?

If I were to change my ip address at this moment and comment on Patrick's blog, he would have to admit that Doing and I are in fact different people. What would his excuse be? What story would he conjure? How would he explain and account for the difference in Doing's ip address and my ip address?

There are only two possibilities. He would have to admit either that, Doing and I are not the same or he would have to say that I, as Doing, am using a proxie ip changer. Neither would solve his dilema. Neither would be true validation of his absurd assertion, making my presence on his blog, for his purposes, null and void. I see no solution for Patrick in this.

Others may bow to the dictates of Patrick. They may succumb to his pressures, word trickery, slanders, defamations, insults and threats of division and seperation, which Patrick uses in his armory of weaponry, but I am above falling for such childish pranks. Thankfully, many others are as well.

Patrick, my presence on your blog would only serve to bolster its failing popularity, which you thrive on. I will not act as your agent in assisting, reviving or validating a lost cause.

- Rasha


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Idiots and assholes post on Pats blog, dont lower yourself.

7:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup - idiots and assholes do post on Pat's blog. Fly, Nuke and Doing are prime examples of those idiots and assholes.

9:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rasha... Pat never wanted you to go to his blog. Was it Doing the freak liar that put that silly thought into your empty head? You obviously don't like Pat, and neither do I, but he has some good topics so his blog is not that bad. But believe me, you not being there is just fine with everyone.

3:01 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Anonymous, it was not Doing who told me. Patrick wanted to trace my ip address to correlate it against Doing's ip address. I was shown the comment from Patrick's blog.

That may be your bias assement of Doing but he has never lied to me. I have never heard him lie to anyone. Telling me he lied about this thing or that thing will not convince me. Do not trouble yourself spreading rumors with me. I judge a person from my own experiences with them. What I see with my own eyes and my direct interactions with them.

I do not know who Flyonthewall is but having been to her blog it is easy to see that she is no idiot.

My only encounters with Nuke are from the chat room, brief though they were. I would also not apply the word idiot to him.

One description for the word idiot is: a person of subnormal intelligence. I usually find that those who engage is name calling, of the sort you displayed, as a means to hurt or slander, can be closely classified as the same.

God be with you.

- Rasha

4:05 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Anonymous, my not being on Patricks blog has nothing all to do with what "everyone" thinks is fine. I gave my own reasons for not having the least of desires of going to Patrick's blog. I am not a follower of what "everyone" thinks or wants. By all accounts, "everyone", constitutes very few, where Patricks blog is concerned. I would not give it another thought. Concentrate your efforts where they are better received.

- Rasha

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ugly
When did Pat say he wanted you to come to his blog??

5:08 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Have you seen my picture? I am not as beautiful as the models and entertainers which I presented on my first post but I would not say I am ugly. If I decide to present my picture here, at that time you may give your opinion. As it stands at this moment, because you have not seen me, your perjorative comment is not based on firsthand knowledge.

Due your comment, I will wait longer to present my picture. Your friends have you to thank for the extension.

- Rasha

10:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Due your comment, I will wait longer to present my picture. Your friends have you to thank for the extension.

who cares what you look like

11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When did Pat say he wanted you to come to his blog??

Just answer the question and quit playing your games.

Rash: Anonymous, it was not Doing who told me. Patrick wanted to trace my ip address to correlate it against Doing's ip address. I was shown the comment from Patrick's blog.

You were shown the comment?
Who wrote that comment?

2:04 AM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Just answer the question?

Do you presume to think you can order me? I went back in my memory as far as I can remember and I can not recall a single moment that I was ordered to do anything from the only persons I feel would have had the right to do so, my parents and family elders. Why you believe you could order me to do anything, is puzzling, if not rude.

I sympathize with the sort of upbringing you must have had. Are those close to you, i.e wife, children, treated with such disrespect? I pray they are not.

- Rasha

8:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When did Pat say he wanted you to come to his blog??

12:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again it looks like leb aka doing is dancing around the question trying to change the subject because she cannot answer that question

2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

. I do not have the original dialog because I do not save messages.

Of course you don't have the original. Because there is no original. Pat never said he wanted your hairy ass to visit his blog. Whoever you got your info from is LYING! go figure. Doing all you do is lie. Stay out of the gossip and keep to your topics. dont become a moron like freebird.

2:59 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Your tone has changed.

I will restate what was said in the first paragraph of this posting.

Patrick requests my presence on his blog. That is the message I received from a dear friend.

That message was pasted to me while in a pm conversation. I do not have the original dialog because I do not save messages. If I did have the original, it would be the same as not having it, as I would not reprint the converstation for public consumption.

I will assume your question has something to do with the possibility that Patrick did not say this?

If the comment was not signed by Patrick, was it Patrick attempting to have it appear that it was someone else?

Was it a clone of Patrick or someone speaking on Patrick's behalf?

Or, was it someone in Patrick's good standing, who has a thourough knowledge of Patrick's mind, and who thought to presume what Patrick wanted?

Or, was it someone who felt that he or she would be in better standings with Patrick, or might deserve for themselves a pat on the back, if my going to Patrick's blog was the result of their comment?

Whichever is true, the balance of my post describes the reasons why the author of the comment is incorrect, as well and my reasons for not going to Patricks blog.

There appears to be more than a few persons who feel it is within their rights to dictate to others what they should and should not do, suggesting that if one does not comply then there must be a covert reason for their refusal to do so. That is quite certainly a valid possibility; however, it is not the case in this instance, nor I am of the stature of a person who engages in furtive behaviour.

- Rasha

3:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Changing your tone. You deleted and re-worded you post. Typical liar you are - DOING.

3:15 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

I do not see a comment here from Doing. It amazes me how stubborn some can be.

As this post is not a topic, per se, but an accounting for why I do not find it necessary to grace Patricks blog, and your questions have been addressed, I will leave you with your difficulties in accepting my responses and begin a new topic.

- Rasha

6:03 PM  

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