"Live By Every Word of YHWH"
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Location: Midwest

Spiritual, Wholesome, Compassionate, Passionate, Romantic, Down to earth

Favorite Music Ambient, Folk, Country, Lebanese, Jazz, Jazz Fussion,
New Age, Classical, Bluegrass, Alternative Rock, Electronica, World Music

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Sex - Murder - You Now Have A Choice

FDA OKs nonprescription ‘morning-after’ pill.

Does anyone know whether a young man, over the age of 17, can walk into a pharmacy and purchase these recreational, murder for sex 'pills', for their underaged girlfriends and female sex partners? That would give rise and opportunity for thousands upon thousands of underaged girl to have sex regularly without fear of pregnancy. It would also circumvent the requirement for underaged girls to have a written note from a doctor in order to purchase the 'over-the-counter' pills. It is a very frightening thought.

Life begins at fertilization - Minutes after a sperm has entered the egg. - Minutes after sexual intercourse.

What FDA has done is provide the vehicle by which promiscuity is raised to higher levels and to legalize and legitimize 'self-abortions'. In todays society, with peer pressure and the overly care-free attitudes towards sex, it is difficult for young girls to abstain from having sex.

The majority of young girls who want to have sex, want to please their boyfriends or feel outcast by their peers for not having had sex, have remained sex free out of fear of becoming pregnant. The 'morning-after' pill takes that fear away.

Sex, among the young, has been reduced to nothing more than another recreational activity. Stripping away all associations to intimacy, love and togetherness.

Abortion, whether is it is performed surgically when a fetus is present, or by the use of a 'pill', is an act of direct killing that takes the life of a living preborn human being — a life that begins at fertilization.

With the 'morning-after pill', the lining of the uterus is so irritated that the human being created will die before he or she can actually attach to the lining of the uterus. In other words, the woman's body rejects the living human embryo, and the child will die. This result is a chemical abortion.

Young girls under the age of 18 can not purchase the 'pill' without a doctor's note but they will aquire the 'pills' none the less from their over 17 year old girlfriends, sisters and irresponsible mothers.

What would God say?

- Rasha


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about you dont worry about what choices other people make and work on your own relationship with god. what other people choose to do isnt any of your business, its between them and their god and their conscience. you dont speak for god or anyone other than yourself, so dont worry about what other people do with their own bodies.

8:13 AM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

I am concerned for the young girls who are pressured and manipulated into having sex. I am more concerned however, for the unborn children who are being murdered. That should be of concern to all God loving human beings.

Would you want your own underaged daughter, who has refrained from having sex out of fear of becoming pregnant, to have that fear eliminated from the equation and give in to peer pressure or manipulations from an impatient boyfriend? A boyfriend who, in her young, as yet matured mind, she may 'love' and want to do anything to please? Maybe you do not have children of your own, or nieces or cousins who are underaged for this to be of any concern to you. It is of concern to many millions of person here and around the world.

By your comment, you are not concerned with murder. We should then allow all murders to roam our streets, even give them the tools to use in their murders - guns, knives, explosives, abortion pills. We should immediately free all murders from our prisons and allow them to continue their trade.

It is you who should not concern yourself with what I and others consider an issue to be concerned over.

- Rasha

5:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good to see a topic not about the tards. good blog but you have alot of things that slow it down. the background should be one pic of the girl. that will help

7:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the music should be removed.

8:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But the blinking daisys are cool.

8:29 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

If you do not enjoy the music, I will entertain suggestions. You may press stop on the player at any time.

I will put the original background, remove the small smilies beneath the profile picture and remove all but one clock. Thank you.

- Rasha

9:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plan B, which is taken in a two-pill dose, prevents pregnancy by stopping the ovary from releasing an egg and may also prevent fertilization. It works best when taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex.

Plan B contains a concentrated dose of the same drug found in many regular birth control pills.

I think it is a good idea. Sounds more like pregnancy prevention, not abortion.

Too many kids are sluts and like to screw like rabbits - especially the Mexican ones, and we Americans pay for their rug-rats. I was always against abortion but with all of these illegal Mexican immigrants, I have changed my tune. Now I am pro-abortion all the way. Not only Mexicans, but all races need to stop reproducing so much. They should keep their pants on, close their legs, wear rubbers, or get sterilized. Unfortunatly, no one wants to wait until marriage anymore. The world is over populated. People need to stop over breeding. Can't feed em' don't breed em'.

Eat some Plan B's or get out the coathangers!

What would God say?
Ya know, probably the SAME THING!

12:44 AM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

I thank myself for saying I would 'entertain' any suggestions. That, luckily, provided me with the option to say, 'no'.

I am sorry. It is not that B.S. is light years before my time ( I enjoy many older songs ), it is that the music they play is 'dark'. Dark, in the satanistic sense of the word. I can not in good conscience, listen to music which to me exudes evilness. I find it difficult even typing the name of the group.

I am hopeful that my taste and choice of music will grow on you with time.

The opening song you hear upon coming to the blog can be changed at anytime. I added music to give a little life to the blog while you read and comment.

Realizing that others will suggest songs which I can not put here, I humbly and regretfully take back my offer of musical suggestions.

- Rasha

1:26 AM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

anonymous said...
Eat some Plan B's or get out the coathangers! ( ? )

God would not say that at all.
Plan B works in a threefold stage. Two of which you stated above. If they fail, the third stage takes effect, which is as stated in the original post:

"With the 'morning-after pill', the lining of the uterus is so irritated that the human being created will die before he or she can actually attach to the lining of the uterus. In other words, the woman's body rejects the living human embryo, and the child will die. This result is a chemical abortion."

God would not say the same as you. Surgical or with pills, abortion is murder.

Many more will become "sluts", as you refer to them, by eliminating the fear of possible pregnancy. There are no longer consequences for irresponsibity. Improper upbringing has also contributed to poor choices and promiscuity.

May I ask whether your prior reason for being against abortion was for religious reasons?

- Rasha

1:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am hopeful that my taste and choice of music will grow on you with time.

-- No way.

10:24 AM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Aren't we fortunate to all be different and unique? I enjoy music that is soothing, has meaning, is sometimes sad, sometimes joyous and fun. Music for those romantic, intimate moments. Is down to earth. Inspiring.

We all have ours different tastes.

- Rasha

12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

--- Your Good Friend Doing ---

I didnt say anything ABOUT your daughter... I said your WIFE molested her...which she did... that's why she's in jail... the remark about YOU molesting her was a DIG... of the calibur of YOUR DIGS.... Just mine hurt more...

TOO FUCKIHG BAD!!! You started this... So stop your crying... PUSSY!!!

You've started all the shit here with the people who are now against you... You're hurt because you're left almost SHEEPLESS... TOO BAD, AGAIN...

Here's one for you... Instead of Sweet slicing her own wrist, WHICH SHE CRIED ABOUT BEING AFRAID OF DOING ON MORE THAN ONE OCCASSION... Why don't YOU slice it for her... and then slice yours... It would make for a "DOUBLE" MOTHER FUCKING BBQ PARTY.. Hahahahahahahaha...


your wife, the one that is in jail for molesting your daughter, is truely a child molester? She got what she deserved. She rotting in jail for molesting the daughter that you continue to molest in her absence


Her father committed suicide and she's just as unstable as he apparently was... If she killed herself today, and trust me, she's cablable of it... I'd have a BBQ PARTY tomorrow.



5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What would God say about those terrible things Doing said?

7:32 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

The fighting I witness between all parties is a two way street. Some very aweful things have been said about Doing and members of his family. I know Doing, deep down, does not mean most of what he says and does so in retaliation for what is being said to him. I believe this is also the case for most everyone.

I have asked him privately to please tone it down. I have also asked him to stop outright. Not to be against him but to show him that by responding at all, will only escalate matters to a point of no return. Although, I believe that point has been reached long ago.

To answer your question, yes. Doing_what is my friend. I do not agree with what is happening, from either side. One will not cease unless the other ceases. I see this from both sides.

If by copying only his comments here was an attempt to turn me against Doing, your attempt failed. I do keep up with reading the blogs. I am fully aware of all the comments that are made, including those from the other side which you biasly neglected to include here.

I have not and will not be part of your wars. Seldom do I comment on the blogs unless it is related to a mature and valid topic. I have yet to see a topic discussed from beginning to end, without the comments drifting off into the mindless in-fighting which occurs on each and every topic, on each and every blog.

Please do not involve me in your childish wars, particularly when you do so with bias.

- Rash

7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What would God say about those terrible things Doing said?

8:32 PM

9:04 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Anonymous said...
What would God say about those terrible things Doing said?

When I pose that question at the end of my posts, it is meant for the individual reader to ask this of herself or himself. It is much more a rhetorical question that one that requires a response here on the blog. Although a response on that question itself is welcome.

As for what God would say about the comments that Doing or those fighting with Doing or all those fighting amongst eachother; if you are a person of the Holy Bible and a believer in Christ, as I am, then your question also is a rhetorical question.

We know what is pleasing to God and what is not. Those who engage in conduct which is contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ, know full well that they err and fall short of what is pleasing to God.

I ask you, as I ask myself; Are you perfect in keeping with the teachings of Jesus Christ? All sins, whether great or small, are the same in the eyes of Jesus and His Father. What sin, however small, have you and I committed today?

- Rasha

9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

from sexy lebanese blog:

sexy lebanese said...
Some very aweful things have been said about Doing and members of his family. I know Doing, deep down, does not mean most of what he says and does so in retaliation for what is being said to him. I believe this is also the case for most everyone.

To answer your question, yes. Doing_what is my friend. I do not agree with what is happening, from either side. One will not cease unless the other ceases. I see this from both sides.

If by copying only his comments here was an attempt to turn me against Doing, your attempt failed. I do keep up with reading the blogs. I am fully aware of all the comments that are made, including those from the other side which you biasly neglected to include here.

sounds like sexy lebanese has a thing for doing. dont sound like she thinks he a freak. you didnt print the whole comment. thats why people dont believe anyone on pats blog.

10:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some bad things were subsequently said about doing and his family. But, what he said to sweet is crossing the line big time. Doing purports he is such a gentleman...well a gentleman would not have commented back in that context regardless what was said about him. A gentleman would simply walk away from it and not even respond.

Like you asserted Sexy, sometimes "no response" is the best respond and even the best avenue to take in dealing with negative comments. When I was bashed, I was compelled to responded in my defense. And at first I did. And all it did was esculate the matter. Now, I don't respond and the person(s) gets bored and stops.

As for your posting. Science has not proven or disproved that once conception takes place that the fetus is considered a living thing. Defining what is or at what stage the fetus is a living entity is still open to debate and subjective.

I for one am pro-choice. My reason is no one or no government has the right to tell a woman what to do with her body. I do happen to agree with you that with all the ways to dispose of a fetus. Makes it easier for young people to engage in sex and not think of the responsibilities. And also, lets not forget that unprotected can lead to STD's and AIDS. And those two disease's I mentioned should be enough to scared both a female and a male.

12:47 AM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Scuba, I am still of the mind to not be involved directly in this melee. Since you have thought to comment to me about it, I will give my observation.

I understand and realize that Doing has been extremely harsh in his retaliation. I also see that he is not being attacked solely by one person. Those who are attacking him appear to be doing so on behalf of the person in question. I say that because they are invoking the other persons name in their attacks. When there are three, four or more persons attacking one person, and that one person is not one to walk away, we would expect that he or she would strike back with the force equal to those who are attacking.

Everyone expects Doing to walk away and allow persons such as Patrick to feel as if he made a fool of Doing. Doing is a proud person. Not all pride is sinful. Pride in ones character and pride in ones children and family are not the pride of ego or of material things.

From what I have observed the past two days, had Patrick and Alicia not entered, instigated and escalated the fray, this would have dissipated and gone away. The more they push, the more Doing pushes back. If Doing is to be asked to stop, all should be expected to stop.

As for him being a gentleman; even gentlemen can be pushed too far.

- Rasha

3:37 AM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Scuba, in response to you concerning the current post:

The very word 'conception' denotes being 'conceived'. Only living beings, animal or human are 'concieved'. The 'beginning' of 'life'.

Conception begins at fertilization, which itself begins when sperm enters an egg. At the very moment that the sperm enters the egg, the egg is fertilized and is no longer just an 'egg'. It is a human being. Not yet completely formed, yet a human being nonetheless.

At 8 months, a normal termed baby is not yet ready to be born. At 5 months, a normal termed baby is not yet ready to be born. At two weeks, a normal termed baby is not yet ready to be born. At 2 seconds, a normal termed baby is not yet ready to be born. And yet at all those time frames, the 'baby' is a living human being, deserving every right and opportunity to complete its growth.

Aborting a child of 1 or 2 months into its growth process, is no different than aborting a child of 2 days or 2 hours or 2 seconds into its growth process.

It may be that as women, we believe we have the 'earthly' right to do with our persons as we please, just as any individual believes they have the 'earthly' right to do as they please, and governments and laws allow us that right, but we do not have the 'Godly' right to do as we please with God's creation.

There is no fear in doing what is allowed and justified by 'earthly' laws. I do fear however, breaking God' laws. Murder being amongst those.

I do not fear science. I fear the Lord.

Life is to be saved and cherished, not thrown out or tossed away because one feels it is an inconvenience or a burden.

- Rasha

3:45 AM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

Well Roe... people are always sticking their 2 cents where it doesn't belong and making matters worse... while thinking they are holier than thou... Alicia is the main one... Patty is simply old fart trying to hang on the the few sheep he has left... Thanks for you support....

BTW.. I don't really pay much attention to Scuba or place to stock in what she says... She's no angel either.

Listen... I noticed your songs are not playing... MediaMax people are working on their site... Until they're finished farting around... you can try this Radio Station.. WFUV... It's Fordam Universities radi station... the stream on the net 24/7 and play some really cool music... the link for the Music Player is: http://wfuv.ic.llnwd.net/stream/wfuv_wfuv

You can also use that to preview the station... Check it out... I think you'll like the music. It opens in RealPlayer and Windows Media Player

11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why would u fear the lord. g-d is an entity that create life as we know and is all loving. so i dont fear g-d i simple live my life to the best of my ability which is all any of us can do. g-d is forgiving and understand as well as loving us all. so not necessary to fear g-d

3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is God, not g-d. How would you feel if I spelled you name s-----e instead of Suzanne?

God is not a bad word. Seems silly to omit the O.

When you say the word "God," do you actually speak the word God, or do you say "The 'G' word."


4:07 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Scuba, the Lord says we are to fear him. Fear in his pumishments for our sins. If we have no fear of God's punishments, we will feel as though we can do anything without regret, without accountablity, without having to repent. Then we are truely lost.

There are countless numbers of verses in the Bible where we are taught that fear of the Lord is good and required of us. Here are just a few:

Deut. 6:24
And the LORD commanded us to do all these statutes, to fear the LORD our God, for our good always, that he might preserve us alive, as it is at this day.

1 Sam. 12:14
If ye will fear the LORD, and serve him, and obey his voice, and not rebel against the commandment of the LORD, then shall both ye and also the king that reigneth over you continue following the LORD your God

Lev 19:32
Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God: I am the LORD

Deut. 6: 2
That thou mightest fear the LORD thy God, to keep all his statutes and his commandments, which I command thee, thou, and thy son, and thy son’s son, all the days of thy life; and that thy days may be prolonged.

Deut. 10:12
And now, Israel, what doth the LORD thy God require of thee, but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul

Scuba, many have been taught that the Words spoken by God in the Bible are mere words, not to be taken literally. I fear for those people as well.

4:13 PM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

Roe.... There are many Athiests in these rooms, who do not go by Biblical Sciptures... There are also so-called Christians who do not know what is in their Bible, let alone how to understand what is in their Bible. Some people can read "YES" and swear that it means "NO"... So when you tell people and show them that WE ARE TO FEAR GOD.. They say, NO.. we are NOT to fear God... In direct opposition to what God says.

I may not be a perfect Christian.. But I don't DENY and CHANGE what God says... I certainly do not do all that God says I should do.. But at least I don't pretend as if I'm doing right when I'm clearly not... And I don't say that God didn't say a particular thing when it's obvious that He did. So when GOD SAYS we are to fear him.. Who is ANYONE to change that and say WE ARE NOT TO FEAR HIM... The nerve of some people.

9:43 PM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

I never understood that... about not spelling the word "God" and using a "dash" instead..... Prinmarily because that scenario is not meant for the word "GOD".

It is a belief in Judahism that no one is to speak the name of "God", whose name is not "God", but YHWH. YeHoWaH... NOT "Jehovah" as is and has been misread and mispronounced for centuries.

Notice there are no VOWELS in that spelling - YHWH -. Hebrew was ORIGINALLY written WITHOUT vowels. To pronounce it you would add an "E" between the Y and H... and and "O" between the "H" and the "W" an "A" between the W and last H...

But there, again, that is the ENGLISH translation for how "God's " name is spelled... This comment section doesn't allow for the the Hebrew alphabet to be typed, or I'd type here...

And again... In our english alphabet, the pronounciation of the "letters" used to write "God's" name in Hebrew is "emmet", written ( in english ) "TMA" ..read RIGHT to LEFT ( not Gods name, just how to pronounce the ALEPH(A - first letter in Hebrew alphabet) to the TAU(T - Last letter in the Hebrew alphabet)

So anyone using "G-D" for the same purpose the Jewish religion does... is really not accomplishing anyting.. they're not doing anything wrong ( except being wrong in thinking that God's namd is "GOD" )... but they're not doing what they think they are doing either... Because "GOD'S" name is NOT "GOD".. IT'S YEHOWAH...

And notice I said.. "the Jewish religion"... Actually EVERYONE is supposed to use "God's" REAL NAME - "YEHOWAH"

Jer 23:26 How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart;

Jer 23:27 Which think to cause My people to forget My name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten My name for Baal

And if you take the CORRECT translation from Hebrew, you have this CORRECT verse:

Eze 39:7 And I shall make My set-apart Name known in the midst of My people Yisra’el, and not let My set-apart Name be profaned any more. And the gentiles shall know that I am YHWH, the set-apart One in Yisrael.

It all comes down to a choice. Whether one will choose the excuses of men or the word of YHWH Almighty...

9:46 PM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

Excuse the few type-o's.. Lest there be tards to harp on them... "scriptures" being one...

BTW... You're getting a hang of the blog thing.... looking good!!

9:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry but I have to disagree with you 110%. I also resent your comment about irresponsible mothers. God forbid my young teenage daughter has sex and gets pregnant but if she were to, I wouldn't think twice about using this method. I do not agree that this should be used as birth control but abortion happens to be a necessary evil and this is much less invasive than the other method. I respect the fact that you have the right to your opinion, but please consider that this is a much better method and less traumatic alternative to an abortion which the women that use this method would choose had this not been made available. My only concern is that this is NOT birth control and should be available but I believe a doctors examination is necessary as it is with birth control pills.

1:26 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

'This method' works only in the first 72 hours or 3 days.

If your daughter were to get 'pregnant', she would not know it until she missed her next mentrual cycle or tested herself after having sex. If she does not test herself and does not find out until the following month, than 'this method' would be too late to use.

This is not a 'necessary evil'. Abortion is murder. If you believe murder is a necessary evil, that is your opinion.

This is both birth 'control' and murder, simultaneously.

If your underaged daughter were to have sex and tested herself the next day and found she was pregnant, she might turn to an 18 year old friend to purchase the 'over-the-counter' pill for her. Use it. Kill her child and realize that she could then engage in sex whenever she desired. Kiling baby after baby after baby.
Using her friends, who purchase the instrument of death, as accomplices.

As long as girls are being told that this is not murder, they will feel right at home having sex, without your knowledge, day in and day out, committing murder each time they use 'this method'.

If parents taught their children well, young girls would not be having sex. If you believe you taught your underaged daughter well, and she goes out and has sex, you did not teach her as well as you think you did.

Without consequences, people will do as they please and they and others will make wrong justifications for the things they do.

I was young and underaged at one time. I had the same sexual urges as the next person. Thank God, ( YHWH, for Doing ), that my parents raised with correct morals.

A necessary evil it is not. It is murder.

3:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DUH! Take the damn pills right after having unprotected sex! Don't wait until a missed period. if someone is raped, or slips up, take the pills! It is pregnency prevention.

6:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a perfect world, young girls would not be having sex. But unfortunately they do. They have been for centuries. In America these young girls should wait. But they don't. They are whores. In all countries young women are having sex - as young as 10 years old...Because they are like Muslim cave men and other 3rd world countries that start young for cultural reasons.

The world is over populated. Would be great if people would just refrain from having sex.... But they don't.

A Zygote has no brain or nervous system. I don't consider that a human being. It is a cell that has not yet divided into many other cells, eventually forming human organs...This Plan B is a good idea and should be made available to everyone, in any country. Better to prevent a Zygote from forming into an un-wanted human being!

6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is more to it than correct morals and within the first 72 hours I don't consider it murder. When it can survive outside a human body then I would consider it murder. It IS a necessary evil, like it or not. Young girls will have sex and they can not be expected to have these babies. Yes, they should abstain or use contaception, but not all do sadly.

7:37 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Anonymous said...
It IS a necessary evil, like it or not.

Children the world over are fortunate that you are not their saving grace. It is 'not' a necessary evil not matter how large you type your words, i.e 'IS'. Thankfully you do not speak for the world population.

9:41 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Anonymous said...
A Zygote has no brain or nervous system. I don't consider that a human being.

What you consider and what God decides are discernibly opposed.

At the moment of conception, which is the moment the egg is fertilizied, a person's soul enters the 'zygote' It is not the brain or the nervous sytem that determine a human being, it is the soul.

A 'zygote' is an infinitesimally sized human being going through its growth process, however many billions of times microscopic the limbs, brain and nervous system, 'zygote', are.

Creation is of the Creator, not of science.

10:00 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Anonymous said...
DUH! Take the damn pills right after having unprotected sex! Don't wait until a missed period. if someone is raped, or slips up, take the pills! It is pregnency prevention.

--- Young, underaged girls should not be having sex, protected or unprotected.

'Slips up'? Engaging in sex when you should not have been? Prior to undressing and prior to being 'entered', you are full aware of the possiblity of becoming pregnant. There are no 'slip ups'. There is poor judgement and weakness of mind.

Becoming pregnant as a result of being raped is a tragedy added to the trauma of being raped. Yet, it is still a living human being. As difficult as I can only imagine it would be, to carry a child from a rape incident, for nine month in the womb, aborting that child is still murder.

Such a child, at birth, could be given to a loving family, who themselves are unable to produce children. You can elect to advise the new parents of the circumstances, or not.

Possibly, if you are as stong a person as one would have to be, you might consider raising and loving the child yourself. Although produced unwantedly, and in a violent manner, the child is made up of your flesh and blood. I am not sure if am as strong at that but abortion would not be an option.

Your casualness of 'DUH! Take the damn pills right after having unprotected sex!', is what leads to promiscuity, lack of respect for ones self, declining moral values, the poor reputation a young girl carries with her, albeit by her own actions, and murder.

One aborted pregnancy a month, is 12 murdered children in a single year, by just one person. 2 years, 24 murdered children; 3 years, 36 murdered children. Multiplied by 10,000 young girls is 360,000 murdered children, in just 3 years. Muliplied by 100,000 young girls and it is 3,600,000 murdered children. 3 million 600 thousand.

God be with us all.

- Rasha

10:37 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Whoever is responsible for the comment containing the gruewsome photograph of a hanging woman, your comment has been deleted.

Do not speak to me of your 1st Ammendment Rights of Free Speech. I am afforded the very same right, under the same Ammendment to exersise my Free Speech rights in disallowing what I consider to be morally reprehensible behaviour.

Create your own outlet/blog to engage in any wanton perversions which suit you.

The world will not be worse off by my right to not publish your comment.

For future reference, I also reserve the right of not having give an explanation.

God be with you.

- Rasha

11:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So whats better? Preventing a cell from forming into a human being - just to be born and unwanted...?

Or taking a couple pills to prevent this poor soul from being born into this cruel world with no one to love him?

Look at all of these unwanted babies being born everyday.

Look at these crack babies.

Look at these many starving, disease infested Ethiopian babies.

Look at these lonely orphans concieved out of rape.

Unfortunatly, people are not abstaining from sex. Unwanted pregnancies are costing us money. These unwanted kids usually grow up to be nut cases.

God causes miscarriages but sometimes he can't get them all. Just like he can't answer all prayers.

God would rather have these "children" with him instead of being born unwanted, abused, hungry, homeless, cold, drug addicted or unloved.

Plan B is a very good idea! It's not "murder," it's a favor!

12:54 AM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

God does not cause miscarriages.

Money is not the issue.

You say God would rather have these children with Him? I this due to a private conversation God had with you? How do you presume to think what God would rather have?

You see it as a favor. God sees murder for what it is; Murder.

My faith is in God, not in you.

- Rasha

1:12 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Many blogs on this service, on MySpace, on Google, on Tag have animations, pictures and music on them. Possibly you have a slow computer and need to upgrade. If you are on a dialup connection think about upgrading to DSL or Cable.

These pictures put no spyware on my computer. I scan anything I place here.

For your convenience I have taken two of the smaller windows away. I hope this helps you.

- Rasha

1:21 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Anonymous said...
Just like he can't answer all prayers.

God answers all prayers. God delievers what he determines is right for us, 'according to His will', not our will.

"1 John 5:14-15
And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:
And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him"

God does not answer prayers by those who do not sincerely believe in him and His Son, Jesus. Your relationship with God is what matters most in your prayers being answered.

"John 15:7
If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you."

You should note also that God does not answer foolish 'prayers' of unnecessary want, greed, hate and selfishness.

God also does not answer prayers from those who do not pray as He has commanded.

When you pray, do you pray to God directly, or do you pray to God 'through Jesus', as He commanded to us? ( In Jesus' name, Amen )

Before the birth of Jesus, prayer was offered directly to God. Since the birth of His Son, Jesus, all prayer goes through Jesus.

"John 14:2
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

God answers our prayers in His way, in His time. God may provide solutions, resolutions to the problem way beyond what you imagined possible.

"John 14:27
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

- According to His will ( not what you believe he should do )

- Not as the world giveth ( not as you like or decide should be what He gives )

- In 'sincere' belief and faith in Jesus

- In your trust is His character, integrity, wisdom and righteousness on our behalf.

- Relationship to God and Jesus is the cornerstone

The way of the world is not the way of God.

- Rasha

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps I do not speak for the entire world, but I do for many people in it. What I choose to do with my body is my business. Just as what you do with your body is your business. If you don't like abortion or the "plan B" pill, don't use either of them. That is your choice. But please don't think you should be able to make that decision for others based on your own personal feelings. You dislike this because you are a religious person. That is fine and I understand that. I am not criticizing you for it at all.

3:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey someone told you that maybe you should take some of this crap off of your blog and you put more crap up. It slows computers down and your blog takes a long time to load. Maybe you don't understand English very well.

6:30 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Plan 'B' exists. I have made no decisions 'for others'. I am simply stating my opinion in opposition.

Part is due to my Christian beliefs, part because I am part of the human race and do not want to see society going in the path that it is.

As in all things political, religious and issues such as these, there will always be those in opposition with eachother, with no final, earthly resolution.

I am committed to my beliefs, as you are in yours. For me, my beliefs stem from the teachings of God, in the Bible and not from what society holds to be true. The majority are not always right but God is always right.

- Rasha

6:51 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

I have scrolled up in my comments and can not find the person, 'Hey', to whom you refer. I have also performed a quick internet search and can not find where my name, Rasha, has as one of it's meanings, "Hey".

Either address me by name or use no formal address in forming your question or comment.

The issue of your slow computer was addressed a few comments back. If you have a mouse you can scroll up to view my previous comment.

I have taken some items off the blog. But I think it is more up to you to bring your computer up to speed with the rest of world, than to ask the rest of the world to fall backwards for you.

As a last resort, you can force yourself to not visit my blog. I assure you, I will not think it rude of you, although you have already demonstrated you rudeness. I will not lose sleep. I will not go into a state of depression by your absence.

- Rasha

7:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But I think it is more up to you to bring your computer up to speed with the rest of world,

Maybe you should catch up with the rest of the world. No one referred to you as "Hey."

You take things way too personal. I happen to agree with that person about your blog, and I have high speed internet and I am up to date with the rest of the world.

7:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After reading the comments posted on your blog, it seems you object to being called "Hey" yet your name on the blog is "sexy lebanese."

Wouldn't it be more degrading to be called "sexy" rather than "hey?"

9:39 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Anonymous said...
No one referred to you as "Hey."

Anonymous said
Hey someone told you that maybe you should take some of this crap off of your blog and you put more crap up

-- Someone did

- Rasha

1:47 AM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Anonymous said...
Wouldn't it be more degrading to be called "sexy" rather than "hey?"

More degrading? Are you looking at a different blog? Where did I use the word 'degrading'?

Rasha is fine. Sexy is Fine.

As to the speed of the blog page loading; I have no problem. The page loads quickly for me.

Is there a particular reason you are so concerned? Should I feel honored by your apparent desire to visit my blog, where the speed at which it opens for you is of such concern? Or was there something you wished to contribute to the topic of the post?

- Rasha

2:29 AM  
Blogger Tatiana said...

Ok, there is a lot here for me to comment on. Before I begin with the actual topic of "Plan B" let's address your quotes from the bible. I am not Christian. I haven't been any form of Christian for almost 15 years, but I do know the bible. In fact, I have studied it and other religious texts in my search for a path that fit me.
Now, you quote passages where your God demands fear from His worshipers. Do you follow every single command from the bible? Because I do have a few quotes that I'd be amazed to find anyone today following. They come from Leviticus and if you would like to see them pm or email me and I'll provide them.

Now, on to the topic of conception: Conception is just a word. It has no meaning other than that which people agree to give it. I do not agree that life begins at conception. The Catholic Church has flip-flopped on this issue more than once. However, I do believe that they are currently holding to that notion - next week, who knows, maybe it will be back to "with blood there is life" and that means at 8 days of gestation there is life since that is when the embryo is infused with blood. Who knows? Neither the Pope nor you have had a tête-à-tête with your Almighty Lord and Savior where He laid down the law to you. You go on what you feel in your heart. And that is great - FOR YOU! My beliefs differ. Jane down the street has different beliefs than either of us. And Joe Blow around the corner has different beliefs from Jane, me or you.

As for promiscuity, there is absolutely way too much of it. But that is my opinion. Maybe if Sex Education was actually taught in school instead of the backseat of a car, our children would understand the risks and consequences better. There are many parents who are not comfortable talking with their children about sex. Others don't know anymore than their children do. I understand how difficult it is to discuss such a sensitive subject with your children, but if the parents' aren't going to do then somebody had better step up to the plate and do it. There are actually a whole lot more scary things out there than getting pregnant. STD's, HIV, and AIDS are absolutely scarier. Teach them the dangers involved in sex and make sure that they understand all of the risks. I know some teens that really think you can't get pregnant the first time! Or that douching directly after sex will prevent STD's. It's sad, but keeping them in a closet or locked away in a tower is not an option (as much as I would like to do that for my own children! lol). It's time to step up to the plate and actually teach them about the consequences of their actions.

Now, as to "Plan B" specifically and abortion in general: Options need to be available for every possible circumstance. I have four beautiful children. I have had two miscarriages and one abortion. My abortion was for medical reasons, but it was still my choice. I live with that decision every day and will always live with it. The “Morning after Pill” protects those who are raped, date-raped, or simply screw up one night. They shouldn’t have to pay for it for the rest of their lives. A 15 year old girl is in no way ready to be a mother. I agree that she shouldn’t be having sex, but I won’t condemn her to a horrible life for making a mistake, for giving in to peer pressure, or for falling victim to the Varsity Quarterback not being able to take no for an answer.

2:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand that you personally do not believe in abortion and consider plan B just that. I am not attacking your beliefs at all. I just want to be sure that you don't really think that decisions for society as a whole be made by those that share your point of view because there are many that don't. In this country you can't make laws and decisions based on what "god" wants because what others believe does vary. Laws made by people with religious or moral reasons is not a good thing at all. Stem cell reasearch is a perfect example.

11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do disagree with you on this topic, but I like your blog and I admire the tact you use when answering people.

11:36 AM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Tatiana said...
Do you follow every single command from the bible?

-- No. But that does not mean that we should not. It means we fall short of being the best we can be and should strive to do what God wants us to do. No one is perfect but it does not excuse when we do wrong.

Tatiana said...
I do have a few quotes that I'd be amazed to find anyone today following.

-- There are many 'rituals' and Godly laws that have been done away, by God's instruction. One being, animal sacrifice. There are also many laws, that to modern society, and even to society as it was in Biblical times, that to some might be consider ridiculous, inappropriate, foolish, silly, seemingly meritless and so on, however, they are God laws and expected to be followed. We don't follow all his rules but that is a reflection on us, not on God.

For instance, what woman would not wear certain colrs which in the are forbidden? Should women wear mens' clothing?

Should we try to cummunicate with the dead?

"There shall not be found among you [any one] that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, [or] that useth divination [or] an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things [are] an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.
Deuteronomy 18:10 (KJV)"

These are all personal choices we must live with but it in no way excludes us from doing what God wills.

Tatiana said...
The Catholic Church has flip-flopped on this issue more than once.

-- I am not Catholic. I am Maronite. Moreover, my beliefs stem from the Bible and not from man. I am not inclined to do or not to do a particular thing based on what a 'relgion' or a religious 'ritual', which is not based on God's word, would have me do or not do.

I will refrain from commenting to you on the subject of abortion, or your particular medical reason for having had one. That is your personl business which I would not advise speaking on, here, in the open forum. I would say, that abortion due to rape is still the killing of a living human, albeit not yet born. The 'age' of a young girl, i.e. 15 years old, is not an excuse for abortion, no matter her 'precieved' difficulties may be for her future. We must live with our 'mistakes', and 'srew ups', not destroy another's life because of them.

On conception; the Church, Catholic, Potestant, Maronite or any other Church does not decide for themselves, outside of God, when conception begins. That the Church has decided 'this week' that conception begins when blood enters the body, has no meaning to me at all. Conception begins at fertilization, which happens when a sperm enters an egg.

I am not a doctor or a scientist, nor have I been so honored as to have had a private tete-a-tete ( I do not know how to add the accents you placed over the letters ) with God. I do not pretend that I am anywhere near the perfect Christian we should all be. If I fail at some point, I can still suggest that others do not fail in that same area. There is nothing wrong with a thief, after acknowledging his sin, instructing others not to steal. It does not make him a hypocrite as some might suggest. I may not follow God's word to the letter but it does not prevent me speaking His words.

Premeditated 'mistakes' have consequences. Know what they are before you committ to the mistake and be ready and willing to live with that 'mistake'. Promiscuous sex is not a mistake. If that is the case, we should supply all young girls with 10 years worth of abortion pills, so they can continue their promiscuity without fear or consequence.

- Rasha

1:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I will refrain from commenting to you on the subject of abortion, or your particular medical reason for having had one. That is your personal business which I would not advise speaking on, here, in the open forum."

Sure you will refrain from commenting on the abortion which was needed for medical reasons! Because your sanctimonious beliefs would get the best of you. And you would say that she should have had the baby anyway, even though she might die. And leave her kids to be orphans. Like a martyr. THAT'S why you will refrain from commenting!

"I would say, that abortion due to rape is still the killing of a living human, albeit not yet born."
RAPE kills women emotionally! Aborting a pregnancy out of rape would save the victim's life emotionally! Why should she go her whole life knowing a piece of her is living in this world - a piece of her that was violently created?

"The 'age' of a young girl, i.e. 15 years old, is not an excuse for abortion, no matter her 'perceived difficulties may be for her future. We must live with our 'mistakes', and 'screw ups', not destroy another's life because of them."
Everyone makes mistakes. An un-planned pregnancy IS A MISTAKE. It's just like we have erasers. We write something, and we make a mistake and misspell a word, we can erase it and do it again. If a 15 year old girl succumbed to peer pressure and makes a mistake and gets knocked up, then she should be allowed to abort that mistake so she can have a chance to go to college and full-fill her dreams. And it is not fair for her child to know he/she was a mistake. Many of these mistake kids grow up to make the same mistakes.

Abortion is a practice that has been in effect for thousands of years. Women would give themselves abortions with STICKS! Sometimes, abortion is necessary. Medically or emotionally.

Plan B is the best alternative for abortion. It is preventing a cell from becoming a fetus. I say it is a good thing. And by your comment to Tatiana about her medically necessary abortion, I think you are being unfair. I can tell what you would have said by your comment. Don't try to deny it.

Tatiana, God Bless You for your honesty.

2:03 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Anonymous said...
Laws made by people with religious or moral reasons is not a good thing at all.

-- I agree, in regard to 'religion'. However, laws made by people without 'God' is the very reason this country and the world as a whole is headed in the direction we see today.

2:05 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Anonymous said...
I admire the tact you use when answering people.

-- I try my best.

- Rasha

2:07 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Anonymous said...
Sure you will refrain from commenting on the abortion which was needed for medical reasons! Because your sanctimonious beliefs would get the best of you

-- Tatiana and I know eachother. May I ask if you are person who frequents a certain chat room on Yahoo? If you are, you would then know my reason for not discussing 'her' particular situation here, where certain trouble makers visit.

If the answer to that question is 'no', then I understand why you would not understand why I would not address 'her' particular situation here. Tatiana knows all too well what I mean by that statement. You apparently do not.

Anonymous said...
Why should she go her whole life knowing a piece of her is living in this world - a piece of her that was violently created?

-- Because in the case of rape, however violent and tragic the incident, killing the unborn child is still murder and a further tragedy.

Anonymous said...
If a 15 year old girl succumbed to peer pressure and makes a mistake and gets knocked up, then she should be allowed to abort that mistake so she can have a chance to go to college and full-fill her dreams.

-- According to you, our own personalinconveniences and sexual 'mistakes' are reasons for destroying the life of an unborn child. How very moral of you.

Anonymous said...
And it is not fair for her child to know he/she was a mistake.

-- If that is how you would explain that childs birth to her/him, you need lessons on compassion. One might simply state that their birth was 'unplanned'.

When married adults are intimate on any given day of the week, and that intimacy results in a pregnacy, is a 'mistake' or was in simply 'unplanned'? Were you a 'mistake/unplanned'? How many millions upon millios of humans were not unplanned births? It is rather insensitve to call anyone a 'mistake'. Half of the population of the world would then fall under that designation.

Anonymous said...
Many of these mistake kids grow up to make the same mistakes.

-- Using your statement of logic, should she have been aborted so she would not have grown up to make the same mistake? And if you were an 'unplanned/mistake' birth, should you have been aborted?

Anonymous said...
Plan B is the best alternative for abortion. It is preventing a cell from becoming a fetus.

-- Do a little more research. Plan 'B' is 3 staged. If the first two fail, the third stage occurs 'after' the egg is fertilized and becomes a 'fetus'. At which time it causes a chemical 'abortion'.

"...the lining of the uterus is so irritated that the 'human being' created will die before 'he' or 'she' can actually attach to the lining of the uterus. In other words, the woman's body rejects the 'living human embryo', and the 'child' will die."

Anonymous said...
I can tell what you would have said by your comment. Don't try to deny it.

-- Do you mean to suggest that you are in some way able to read minds? If so, either you read my mind incorrectly or your 'vibes' became entangled with another person's. Do not presume to think you know my thoughts. My reason for not discussing this with her 'here', is for the reason I previously stated. As also previously stated, Tatiana and I are aquaintances and she is well aware of my reasons.

I, and possibly Tatiana, would thank you to kindly mind your business where her private matters are concerned.

- Rasha

2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you double posted.

2:55 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Where? I know. I had made a typing error which I corrected. You must have visted while I was between the correction. I deleted the misspelled comment.

Thank you.

- Rasha

3:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, I must disagree. I am not a religious person and I don't want laws that concern me to be controlled by people with god on their mind. I do not steal and I have never harmed anyone, I am generally a good person. It's not god that makes me refrain from doing these things though. Laws should be based on logic, not god. If we base our laws on what some people think god wants, then we have basically become a therocacy as well. I don't expect you to agree, that is just how I personally feel.

3:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do more than "TRY" to use tact when addressing some of these comments. You do it even when a nasty response is warranted. You almost deserve a medal for dealing with some of these people the way you do!

3:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Young girls under the age of 18 can not purchase the 'pill' without a doctor's note but they will aquire the 'pills' none the less from their over 17 year old girlfriends, sisters and irresponsible mothers.

---I hope you are right.

4:36 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

The motto of the United States of America is 'In God We Trust'. The laws of this nation, having their roots in England, are based on the basic principles of God's laws, found in the Bible.

It is good that we can disagree.

12:05 AM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Anonymous said...
You do more than "TRY" to use tact when addressing some of these comments. You do it even when a nasty response is warranted. You almost deserve a medal for dealing with some of these people the way you do!

There is blog which people frequent, where all they do is argue, fuss and fight. There is virtually no discussion or no real topic for that matter. When there is a topic, which is also not posted for the sake of the topic itself, it is rarely, if ever, discussed.

I choose not to create an atmosphere where all anyone wants to do is talk ( fight/argue ) about past happenings from a chat room, in situations that do not matter at all in the grand scheme of things.

As I am the sole owner of this blog, if this comment provokes the trouble makes to set their sites here, out of spite, as is the malicious character of some, my 'Freedom of Speech' will be exercised without prejudice and without explanation.

I think most will be able to read between the lines.

- Rasha

12:23 AM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Anonynous said...
I hope you are right.

It is not a question of being right. It is what will naturally and logically occur with a majority of the young girls. Extremely troubling.

- Rasha

12:28 AM  
Blogger Tatiana said...

I appreciate your tact concerning my private issues, but it really wasn't necessary. Unlike many, I don't care what others (especially those you alluded to above) think. I've made my choices, lived my life, and deal with the consequences myself. "They" are not a concern of mine. But as I said I do appreciate you thinking of protecting me from their sights, so to speak.

1:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I understand what our laws are based upon but I do disagree. I also happen to find the "In God We Trust" motto offensive being that I am not a religious person in any way, shape or form. Being an athiest, I find that it excludes me and many others. If our laws were based upon Islamic rather than Christian ideals I think you would understand my point of view a bit better. If that saying were changed to "In Allah We Trust", most people would be offended and mad as hell! Why? Becase it does not represent what they believe. Anyway, you get the point so I'll quit rambling.

9:40 AM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

Anon... Sorry that you're Atheist. I mean that.... I'm not being sarcastic at all. How can one look at the nature around them, trees, sky, stars, a flower, a baby, the PRESICION of the universe, and not know that it was all done by the hand of a supreme being, YHWH - God?

Anyway.. I'm not gonna talk about the Big-Bang/Evolution vs Creation....

This country was, as Rasha said, built on the CHRISTIAN FAITH, NOT ISLAMIC FAITH. If it were built on Islamic faith, we wouldn't be talking about this because the country would be Islamic. We'd be Muslims. Luckily we're not.

So... IN GOD WE TRUST is very fitting for our national motto. If the Muslims or Hindus or Buddhist are offended by that motto.... it's simple.. they can LEAVE...

The Pilgrims, who colonizied America, were either Protestant or Catholic... nonetheless they were Christian...

You being an Atheist would have America be a GODLESS society... That's just NOT gonna happen... There is a God.. His name is YHWH... He created ALL that our eyes can see and ALL that cannot be seen.

11:00 AM  
Blogger Tatiana said...

I posted this last night, but either you accidently deleted it or blogspot ate it. So here it is again....

We could have a theological debate here, but what would truly be the point? You believe in the Bible. I think it was a good guideline, but incomplete.

We must base laws on facts and fairness to all. Not on a book written when these situations did not exist. This book doesn't even apply to many in the United States. There are many more religions out there far older than Christianity. We shouldn't base our laws on any of them either. Law cannot replace moral teachings from family, but it has to be broad enough to encompass all religious beliefs and not lean toward one more heavily than another.

As for our Founding Fathers: 1) They came here to outrun religious persecution not to create more of it in a different form. 2) Most were actually Deists.


The word "Deism" is derived from the Latin word for God: "Deus." Deism involves the belief in the existence of God, on purely rational grounds, without any reliance on revealed religion or religious authority.

• Do not accept the belief of most religions that God revealed himself to humanity through the writings of the Bible, the Qur'an or other religious texts.
• Disagree with strong Atheists who assert that there is no evidence of the existence of God.

They regard their faith as a natural religion, as contrasted with one that is revealed by a God or which is artificially created by humans. They reason that since everything that exists has had a creator, then the universe itself must have been created by God. Thomas Paine concluded a speech shortly after the French Revolution with: "God is the power of first cause, nature is the law, and matter is the subject acted upon."

You should follow your heart. Don't ever have an abortion. But don't try to tell the rest of us how to live our lives. Your Bible works for you. I'm glad. I hope it always makes you happy. It never really worked for me - I've always asked too many questions.

2:32 AM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

I can not say that I will never be faced with that challenge. As in your situation, medical reasons may arise where I would have no choice but to do so. God willing, I will never have to face that decision.

- Rasha

8:32 AM  

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