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Saturday, September 09, 2006

Spirit Horses

Doing, I know you are of Native American descent. I found this song I thought you might appreciate.

Spirit Horses
by Annie Humphrey - Anishinaabe Indian

Thunder, Fire and Torment
Hunger, Need and Fear -
Slavery, Grief, Confusion
Freedom waiting near -
The sound of Spirit Horses'
Hoofbeats in the sky -
Smoke and Blood and Ashes
Dreams too strong to die 0
Find us, Spirit Horses,
And teach us how to ride -
With 7 generations of promise at our side.

Mothers, Fathers and Childern
Creatures young and old -
Called by mothers drumming
Of sacred hoofs on stone -
The sound of Spirit Horses
Dancing on a storm -
Mercy for the people
Old ways, New dreams reborn.

Find us, Spirit Horses,
And teach us how to ride -
With 7 generations of promise at our side.

"My music addresses many of the things I feel strongly about," says Humphrey. "Love is hard to find and should be cherished. We need to care for children wherever they are in the world. Alcoholism and abuse are human problems everywhere. People everywhere need healing. No one should judge another person by the color of their skin. I consider anyone who walks in a sacred way and honors the earth to be indigenous to our planet." - Annie Humphrey

"I'm just a human being trying to make it in a world that is very rapidly losing its understanding of being human." - John Trudell


Blogger Doing_what said...

Tat.. Hope you see this here on this post....

Mostly from the KJV... But I also read some of the Gnostic Texts/Gospels.. Mary Magdaline, Thomas... And awhile back I started reading the Secret Book of Enoch.. Which I really have to get back into "STUDYING"...

What types of "rituals" do you perform, where a 2nd person is required.. I'd put a smiley after that but I don't want you to get the wrong idea...lol .. I'm just curious....

3:36 PM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

Thanks Roe... That version playing is with John Trudell... the guy in he quote you posted... He's a poet, teacher, actor, and Native American activist.... He played in the documentary, INCIDENT AT OGLALA... He calls himself a Blue Indian.... Centered to the earth...

Oh... I'm Taino Indian... From the Carribean... Originally Tainos were came from the area of the Orinoco River in Venezulez, South America ( thousands of years ago ).. Yet... Indian none the less...

Tainos were the first to meet/greet Columbus when he found himself in the Carribean... It was the Tainos that "discovered Columbus"... Tainos ( Carribs ) in "Hispaniola ( Haiti/Santo Domingo, today ).. Tainos in Puerto Rico ( Jatibonico Tribe )... Tainos in Cuba - The LAST place Columbus sailed to before he died... Never reaching the U.S. shores...

But.. Thanks for the song !!!

5:26 PM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

Oooops... I read, while in Puerto Rico... on a statue that is errected in his honor, in Old San Juan, that he died ENROUTE to Cuba... but I'm not sure if that was on his second voyage... If he did not voyage to Cuba on his First Voyage and he died ENROUTE to Cuba on his subsequent voyage... then he never got to Cuba either... I have to verify that...

5:30 PM  
Blogger Tatiana said...

Hi Doing,

Well, I was actually talking about rituals requiring the traditional 13 for a Coven. It's really just different ways of envoking the Spirit. With an entire coven, someone can call forth/represent Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, as well as the Goddess and God. As a Solitary Practitioner, I get to do it all myself. It's a little more draining in some ways, but I don't have to be concerned about what any of the other Coven members think about my robe, or my Quarter Call, or about me tripping on my way into the circle - lol!

Maybe one day I'll join a Coven, at least on a part-time basis - for the Sabbats (8 Solar Holidays). But I think I'll continue to celebrate the Esabats (Full & New Moons) in my own way at my own altar.

Oh, About Loreena McKennet - I have that song. I love her "Samhain Night."

10:19 PM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

I know you use that all for GOOD... But do some use it for evil as well??? If there are evil properties to that, I know I couldn't promise not to do so... There are quite a few number of people who I'd "take out" in a heartbeat, if I was into that. St. Louis, Long Island and San Antonio, would each be minus one USLESS IDIOT.... Virgina would be minus around 9 USLESS IDIOT PERSONALTIES, by taking out just ONE... Hahahahaha!!!

Anyway... Ever listen to Tori Amos... She's also.. well maybe not.. actually I read somewhere that she's into devil worship.... not sure how true that is... but I love her music and songs... those that DON'T talk about the devil !! Hahahahaha !!! She has a really FREAKY one... Listen to '97 Bonnie & Clyde, and you'll know what I mean.... Pretty sick.... And on that CD Cover, "Strange Girls", she's wearing a t-shirt that says "Satan Worship"...

I guess I like her music, because she does ALL THE MUSIC with her synthesizers and computers... All EXCEPT the drums... She uses a real drummer... So when you listen to her music and realize that ALL THAT IS HER... GEEEZ... Pretty genius !!!

11:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rasha, you seem to be smart, well informed. You do make many good points. But you and I don't seem to agree on much. Even though I do not agree with you. BUT I DO respect you.

12:30 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Thank you Mr. or Mz. Anonymous. I do have to question you, however. If I am 'well informed' as you suggest, how can we be in disagreement with one another?

If I am well informed by your standards, it would suggest that I am also correct by your standards, making us both well informed and knowledgeable in a particular area or subject.

How can I be both well informed and knowledgeable, while being in disagreement with you on the same subject matter?

- Rasha

8:26 PM  

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