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Sunday, September 24, 2006

What Is Wind?

At the age of 4, I asked this question countless times of my father. "Wind is the air moving", he would reply. "It is what makes the leaves on the trees move, your hair to blow wildly and freely, the clouds to move across the sky. It is what allows the birds to fly and the waves to crash on the shore."

"Papa," I would ask, "Is God the Wind?"



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The atmosphere is composed of air which, in turn, is made up of tiny particles of different gases like nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen. The Sun shines on our atmosphere all of the time. But, it heats the surface of the Earth unevenly, so that in some places it is warm while in other places it is cold. As air gets warmer, its particles spread out. This makes the air lighter, or less dense, so it rises. As air cools, it becomes heavier, or more dense, and sinks. As warm air rises, air from cooler areas flows in to take the place of the heated air. This process is called convection and causes air to move. The differential heating of the Earth's surface and the resulting convection is what causes wind on this planet. Wind circles the Earth and plays an important role in determining weather conditions...

11:15 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

I understand the scientific definition of wind and it's affects.

"Papa," I would ask, "Is God the Wind?"


3:16 PM  
Blogger Doing_what said...


8:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Capt Obvious but i think rasha wants you to look beyond the science and get some meaning out of what she posted.

4:49 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Nuke_mecc275, at times, some otherwise intelligent people, live life with blinders on.

- Rasha

8:40 AM  

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