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Rasha O

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Location: Midwest

Spiritual, Wholesome, Compassionate, Passionate, Romantic, Down to earth

Favorite Music Ambient, Folk, Country, Lebanese, Jazz, Jazz Fussion,
New Age, Classical, Bluegrass, Alternative Rock, Electronica, World Music

Friday, October 06, 2006

Say No To Teachers With Guns

MADISON, Wis. - In the wake of school shootings in Wisconsin, Colorado and Pennsylvania during the last two weeks, a state legislator says he plans to introduce legislation that would allow teachers, principals, administrators and other school personnel to carry concealed weapons.

This is a most preposterous idea. If such legislation were to pass, we will soon be attending more funerals of children who have been shot by one of the following:

* Teachers with a quick temper who presently have their hands tied
* Other students who, in some manner, gain access to a teacher’s gun
* Teachers or other school personnel who are not completely mentally stable and who will use that opportunity to find an excuse to shoot one or more children not of their liking.
* Supposed 'accidental' gun discharges
* 'Perceived' threats where a teacher uses less than proper judgment

Under the premise of protecting our children at school, arming teachers and other school personnel, will have no affect on protecting children who are killed outside of the school building or children who are killed inside of the school building, in an area where a teacher carrying a gun is not present at the time. This can be as little as five feet away, around a school corridor, in a school restroom, on a school stairwell. It takes a matter of seconds for someone to display a weapon, such as a gun, point and shoot. All before any teacher or other school personnel is aware of what is occuring.

The answer is not arming teachers and other school personnel. Unfortunately, there is very little more that can be done to 100% effectively protect children at school from such dangers, other than what is already being done. A better job at uncovering weapons being brought into the schools must be done. Law enforcement authorities might begin with a military type sweep of the school building itself, to discover any weapons currently being hidden inside of the school building. Better ways of screening bags and backpacks can be implemented. Extend the school day to include the time that would be required to properly scan students entering the school building.

Arming teachers and other school personnel is a disaster in the making. Teachers have molested and hurt our children at school in the past. This proposed legislation will bring about even more atrocities by rouge teachers and other school personnel and makes guns in the school available to would-be thugs who can gain access to these gun totting teachers and other school personnel.

I am vehemently opposed to such legislation. We are asking for trouble if we allow such preposterousness to go forward.

- Rasha

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