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Friday, October 06, 2006

Say No To Teachers With Guns

MADISON, Wis. - In the wake of school shootings in Wisconsin, Colorado and Pennsylvania during the last two weeks, a state legislator says he plans to introduce legislation that would allow teachers, principals, administrators and other school personnel to carry concealed weapons.

This is a most preposterous idea. If such legislation were to pass, we will soon be attending more funerals of children who have been shot by one of the following:

* Teachers with a quick temper who presently have their hands tied
* Other students who, in some manner, gain access to a teacher’s gun
* Teachers or other school personnel who are not completely mentally stable and who will use that opportunity to find an excuse to shoot one or more children not of their liking.
* Supposed 'accidental' gun discharges
* 'Perceived' threats where a teacher uses less than proper judgment

Under the premise of protecting our children at school, arming teachers and other school personnel, will have no affect on protecting children who are killed outside of the school building or children who are killed inside of the school building, in an area where a teacher carrying a gun is not present at the time. This can be as little as five feet away, around a school corridor, in a school restroom, on a school stairwell. It takes a matter of seconds for someone to display a weapon, such as a gun, point and shoot. All before any teacher or other school personnel is aware of what is occuring.

The answer is not arming teachers and other school personnel. Unfortunately, there is very little more that can be done to 100% effectively protect children at school from such dangers, other than what is already being done. A better job at uncovering weapons being brought into the schools must be done. Law enforcement authorities might begin with a military type sweep of the school building itself, to discover any weapons currently being hidden inside of the school building. Better ways of screening bags and backpacks can be implemented. Extend the school day to include the time that would be required to properly scan students entering the school building.

Arming teachers and other school personnel is a disaster in the making. Teachers have molested and hurt our children at school in the past. This proposed legislation will bring about even more atrocities by rouge teachers and other school personnel and makes guns in the school available to would-be thugs who can gain access to these gun totting teachers and other school personnel.

I am vehemently opposed to such legislation. We are asking for trouble if we allow such preposterousness to go forward.

- Rasha


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love that my child be in a classroom with an armed teacher. I think it would be a terrific idea. But, unfortunatly, you are right about what some teachers do -they hurt, molest, etc...

A teacher that has "had enough" from an unruly classroom could go bizerk and shoot students. Children can make a sane mind go crazy. Teachers armed with guns would have been a great idea but because of some unstable outbreaks, it just wont happen.

Security just needs to be beefed up to ridiculous measures. Society allows crazys to get away with a lot, so therefore we need to protect ourselves, maybe not with armed teachers, but with extra cameras, surveilence, metal detectors and observant staffers that keep an extra eye out for the "weird" students that may pull off another Columbine.

10:52 AM  
Blogger Tatiana said...

Gun laws need to be tougher on a Federal level. It needs to be harder for average joe's to own weapons. Right now the majority of weapons found on NYC streets were sold legally in states that have fewer restrictions and then resold in NYC. This is a Nationwide problem and it needs to be dealt with on a National level.

12:20 AM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

Tats, I agree about the gun laws... problem is, if some of the SICK people in these rooms and on the blogs are any testiment, even when guns are purchased legally, they end up in the hands of PSYCHOS... You never know who owns a gun which was legally purchased.

What's the answer then?? I don't know that there is one. Evil is all around us.. If it wasn't a gun, it could have been anything else. A suicde bomber... nerve gas... some biological agent... a kitchen knife.

It's a real shame though!!
God bless those children and their families.

11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The gun laws in this country are a joke. Aside from hunting, what purpose do guns serve other than killing other humans? The majority of those humans being innocent. The NRA makes me sick. More guns = more deaths. Disagree if you like, but I can't be convinced otherwise.

12:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, lets disarm all the citizens so that they cant defend themselves against the armed gangs running around selling drugs, robbing, raping and murdering. yes, lets reduce everyone to complete helplessness and dependency on the police, who may or may not show up when you call them, but one thing you can depend on with the police: they will ALWAYS show up after the damage has been done, because thats what police are designed to do. england and australia basically ban gun ownership, and the violent crime rate and gun crime rate just keeps going up and up there. thats because the criminals get the guns, and, being criminals, they dont give a shit that guns are illegal. its simplistic, but true, when you ban guns, only the criminals will have them. i hope you like being helpless to defend yourself, i know the criminals will enjoy it.

9:56 AM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

Yep... Guns do protect... and seeing as the criminal element is armed to the hilt, we should be able to arm ourselves as well... Good people don't shoot other good people... they shoot the ASSHOLES ( sorry Roe ) who would shoot us. not allowing law abiding citizens to own guns, legally, would be a huge mistake... Personally I don't own one... YET... ( a few rifles maybe... Shhhhhhh !!!! ) It's hard to get a handgun here in New York City... But I'm working on it !!!!!

5:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good point anon 10:56

6:25 PM  
Blogger Tatiana said...


A kitchen knife doesn't have a 30 round clip in it. It's harder to handle for killing and easier to defend against. Guns make killing easier. It's that simple. Unfortunately, technology has advanced well beyond human beings' ability to moralize. We have no true north anymore. There aren't enough laws regarding gun/weapon control - or maybe they are just not the right ones...

As for why people (ordinary citizens that is) should/should not have them...

Hunting: our ancestors managed just fine with a bow and arrow or spears, but if that's just too difficult for you to learn (yep, I'm calling you lazy), then a simple hunting rifle should be more than enough to get the job done. Only the truly incompetent hunters need a laser sight and frankly, those people have absolutely no business out there hunting in the first place.

self-protection: well, this one gets a little trickier. lisenced hand guns are to be stored in a lock box or with a locked trigger guard at all times except when being used on a range for target practice or cleaned. Now, exactly what good is a locked, unloaded weapon going to do if someone breaks into your home?

If you choose to break the law yourself and leave your gun loaded and not locked up, well, that makes you no better than the criminals and I hope you are treated the same. That is how "accidental" shootings occur. Just this week, there was a story about a three year old boy who found his dad's gun. That child is no longer with us. It had nothing to do with drugs or gangs or anything of that nature. His father thought he was protecting his family. Now he's lost his son.

5:26 PM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

Tat.. I don't own a handgun... and how am I lazy? I don't go hunting... Yet... I will be going, very soon ( Nov.. in South Dakota )... for the first time... Not sure if I'm gonna actually shoot anything... I wouldn't shoot an animal unless it was to be eaten. Don't own a bow and arrow... but I'm a pretty good shot.

As far as owning a gun for family protection.. I see no problem with it... Someone breaks into your house and you're able to get your gun out in time... one less prick in the world... But, alas.. I don't own one...

7:38 PM  
Blogger Tatiana said...

Not "you" specifically..."you" as in the general population "you"...as in anyone who just doesn't want to put forth the effort to use a bow and arrow.

I see alot wrong with owning hand guns. I see too many of our children dead from "accidental" shootings. Either people are too stupid to empty a gun before cleaning it and it goes off or a young child finds it and kills himself or a sibling/friend showing off daddy's gun.

10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tat, the only intelligent remark you made in that diatribe is that an unloaded, locked up handgun doesnt provide any protection from someone breaking into your home. thats why i keep my weapons loaded, off safety and easily accessible to me. if anyone breaks into my home, he is dead. you also dont seem to understand that very few states have laws requiring such lunacy. most states have concealed carry laws, at least 35 of them the last time i checked. in arizone, people carry weapongs openly. its a very polite state with very low crime rates. washington dc and nyc have some of the strictest gun laws in the country and some of the highest crime rates. criminals dont like getting shot and they tend to attack people who they perceive cant fight back. criminals prey on the weak and defenseless. if you want to be one of those, thats your choice, but most of the rest of us choose to be able to defend ourselves. too bad the decent citizens of nyc and dc dont have that option.

8:52 AM  
Blogger Doing_what said...

Got ya Tat...

Anon... We here in NYC have other options until the gun laws change here... which will be... NEVER...Hahaha!!! There's always NOT letting the dog stop biting the shit out of the moron... I don't have a dog so my option would be putting his head through the lower portion of a window while the rest of the window comes crashing down, like a guillotine on his sorry neck and let the coroners office clean up the mess..... OUCH !!!!

I think that's allowed !!! :))

6:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey guys Nacy Botts was stalking geo even went to his moms house texas plate 362-pcm

4:13 PM  
Blogger Sexy Lebanese said...

Will not publish comments with personal information.

- Rasha

8:47 PM  

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